Good practice examples of integration of food systems in NDCs – Kenya

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© FAO/Peter Safari

Kenya's nationally determined contribution (NDC) outlines comprehensive policies and targets aimed at transforming its food systems to enhance climate resilience and contribute significantly to climate adaptation and mitigation goals. Key measures include sustainable management of land use, provision of safety nets, extension services, and financial access for marginalized communities. The NDC emphasizes social safety nets tailored for women, youth and vulnerable groups through County Climate Change Funds.

In terms of implementation, Kenya plans to finance 13 percent of the estimated USD 62 billion cost for mitigation and adaptation actions, marking a substantial increase in self-reliance compared to previous external dependence. The country also prioritizes supporting rural livelihoods and eco-friendly farming practices, advancing multistakeholder monitoring, reporting and verification systems, and safeguarding rights in agroecology. Moreover, the NDC underscores a commitment to technological development and transfer to bolster sustainable agricultural practices nationwide.

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