Strengthening the financial architecture for the financing of the Great National Crusade for Nutrition of Guatemala

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© Pep Bonet/NOOR for FAO

The overall objective of the UN support was to improve the national public finances using the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) umbrella methodology. Specifically, the aim was to promote the medium-term sustainability of the national strategy to combat chronic malnutrition.

UNICEF, UNDP, and WPF developed an innovative methodology to determine the cost of Great National Crusade for Nutrition (GCNN), including activities and interventions, by working collaboratively with line ministries and GCNN-prioritized local governments. This approach highlighted gaps in financial, human and material resources, which constituted important evidence for the government and informed dialogues with different sectors (private, civil society, religious, etc.), facilitating the mobilization of public and private sources of financing to address chronic malnutrition.

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