Green Climate Fund (GCF) Supporting Rwanda's climate-smart agriculture

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© FAO/Teopista Mutesi

Rwanda faces challenges like land degradation, unpredictable rainfall patterns due to climate change, and limited access to improved seeds and fertilizers. These factors threaten food security for a significant portion of the population. The Rwandan Government designed a project to strengthen climate resilience of rural communities in Rwanda This project leverages a USD 33.2 million grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project supports farmers in adopting techniques like conservation agriculture, rainwater harvesting, and agroforestry.

Expected Outcomes: Reduced greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

  • Improved soil health and water management.
  • Increased incomes for farmers through improved productivity and market access.

This example highlights how a large climate fund can be a critical resource for developing countries to address food systems challenges through a climate-smart lens. The project focuses on both adaptation (building resilience) and mitigation (reducing emissions) aspects, contributing to broader climate goals while ensuring increased incomes, food security and resilience for farmers and Rwandan communities. Collaboration among line ministries, and with international organizations, and local communities has proven to be crucial for successful implementation of such holistic investments.

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