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Chapter 9: Main sources of information

River basins


1. FAD/UNESCO. 1974. Soil map of the world, scale 1: 5000000. FAO, Rome.

2. FAO/PNUD/IIASA [Institut International pour l'Analyse des Syst�mes Appliques]. 1984. Capacit� potentielle de charge d�mographique des terres du monde en d�veloppement. Rapport technique du projet FPA/INT/513: Les ressources en terres des populations de demain. Pr�par� par Fischer. G., Higgins, G.M., Kassam, A.H., Naiken, L., Shah, M.M. 141 p. + 15 maps.

3. FAO. 1992. CROPWAT: A computer program for irrigation planning and management. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 46. Rome. 133 p.

4. FAO. 1992. Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24. Rome. 144 p.

5. FAO. 1995. FAO production yearbook 1994. Vol. 48. FAO Statistics Series No. 125. Rome. 243 p.

6. FAO. 1995. AGROSTAT PC diskettes on population, crop production and land use. Rome.

7. FAO. 1995. FAOCLIM cd-rom. Agroclimatic database. Rainfall and evaporation figures. FAO. Rome.

8. FAO. 1996. Food production: The critical role of water. Paper prepared for the World Food Summit, 11-17 November 1996. Advanced edition. Rome. 62 p.

9. Gleick. P. (ed). 1993. Water in crisis: a guide to the world's fresh-water resources. Oxford University Press for Pacific Institute. New York/Oxford. 497 p.

10. The International Journal on Hydropower and Dams. 1995. World atlas of hydroopower and dams. Volume 2, Issue 1, January 1995. 125 p.

11. WRI [World Resources Institute]/UNEP [United Nations Environment Programme]/UNDP [United National Development Programme]/WB [World Bank]. 1996. World Resources 1996-97. A guide to the global environment. The urban environment. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. 365 p.


12. BCEOM/MottMacDonald/ORSTOM/SOGREAH. 1992. Evaluation hydrologique de l'Afrique sub-Saharienne: Pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Rapport pr�par� pour la Banque mondiale, le PNUD, la Banque africaine de d�veloppement et le Minist�re fran�ais de coop�ration.

13. BRGM. 1991. Ressources en eau des pays africains, utilisations et probl�mes. Pr�par� par Margal, I. Note technique 026 EAU/4S/91. BRGM, Services Sol et Sous-sols D�partement Eau. Orl�ans. 21 p.

14. Bulletin de l'Afrique Noire. 1976. L'�conomie des pays du Sahel. Num�ro sp�cial du bulletin de l'Afrique noire. Ediafric. Paris. 154 p.

15. CILSS [Comit� permanent Inter-Etats de Luttre Contre la S�cheresse dans le Sahel]/OCDE [Organisation de Coop�ration de D�veloppement Economiques]. 1991. Le d�veloppement des cultures irrigu�es dans le Sahel. Rapport de synth�se et rapports par pays. OCDE/CILSS/Club du Sahel. SAM/D (91) 366. 216 p.

15a. Drijver, C.A. and Marchand, M. 1985. Taming the floods. Environmental aspects of foodplain development in Africa. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Netherlands.

16. FAO. 1978. Report on the agro-ecological zones project. Volume 1: Methodology and results for Africa. FAO, Rome.

17. FAO. 1986. Irrigation in Africa south of the Sahara. FAO Investment Centre Technical Paper 5. Rome. 182 p.

18. FAO. 1987. Consultation sur l'irrigation en Afrique. Bulletin FAO d'irrigation et de drainage no. 42. Rome. 221 p.

19. FAO. 1987. Irrigated areas in Africa: extent and distribution. FAO report AGL/MISC/13/87. Rome. 166 p. + map.

20. FAO. 1987. Irrigation and water resources potential for Africa. FAO report AGL/MISC/11/87. Rome. 127 p. + maps.

21. FAO. 1995. Water resources of African countries: a review. AGLW/FAO, Rome. 35 p.

21a. FAO. 1995. Irrigation in Africa in figures / L'irrigation en Afrique en chiffres. FAO Water Report 7. Rome. 336 p.

22. Godana, Bonaya Adhi. 1985. Africa's shared water resources: legal and institutional aspects of the Nile, Niger and Senegal River systems. A publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. Frances Printer Publishers, London, Lynne Rienne Publishers, Colorado. 370 p.

23. Hutchinson, M.F., Nix, H.A., McMahon, J.P. and Ord, K.D. (in preparation). The development of a topographic and climate data base for Africa. Australian National University.

24. IFPRI. 1995. Water resources development in Africa: a review and synthesis of issues, potentials and strategies for the future. Report prepared for FAO by Rosegrant, M., Perez, W. and Nicostrato, D. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington. 111 p.

25. OSS/UNESCO. 1995. Les ressources en eau des pays de l'OSS: �valuation, utilisation et gestion. Pr�par� par Margat, J. BRGM, Orl�ans. 83 p. + map.

26. P�renn�s, Jean-Jacques. 1993. L'eau et les hommes au Maghreb: contribution a une politique do beau M�diterran�e. Editions Karthala. Paris. 646 p.

27. UNESCO. 1972. Etude des ressources en eau du Sahara septentrional. Rapport final + 7 annexes techniques.

28. UNESCO. 1977. Atlas of world water balance: runoff coefficient map of Africa, scale 1: 20000000. Paris. English translation of: Korzun, V.I. et al. 1974. Atlas of world water balance. USSR National Committee for the International Hydrological decade.

29. UNESCO. 1995. Discharge of selected rivers in Africa. Studies and reports in hydrology No. 52. 166p.

30. United Nations. 1987. Groundwater in Northern and Western Africa. UN-DTCD Natural Resources Water Series No. 18. 415 p. + maps.

31. United Nations. 1988. Groundwater in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. UN-DTCD Natural Resources Water Series No. 19. 320 p.

32. USAID Africa. 1987. African irrigation overview: main report. Prepared by J.R. Moris, D.J. Thorn and D.S. Humpal. Water Management Synthesis II Project. Utah State University, USA. 635 p.

River basins

Senegal basin:

33. Park, Thomas K. (ed). 1993. Risk and tenure in arid lands: the political ecology of development in the Senegal River basin. University of Arizona Press, Tuscon & London. 408 p.

Niger basin:

34. CRWR [Center for Research in Water Resources]. 1995. Water balance of the Niger basin. Interim report prepared for FAO and UNESCO by the Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin. 54 p.

35. Lotti, C. & Associati. 1984-86. Reports of project FAO/UNDP DP/RAF/83/027: Assistance to the Niger Basin Authority. Inter-state Hydraulic Development of the Middle and Upper Reaches of the River Niger. Societa' di Ingegneria SpA., Rome.

36. ORSTOM. 1970. Monographie hydrologique du bassin du Niger. 3 volumes. Volume 1: Le Niger Sup�rieur et le Bani. 117 p. + annexes. Volume 2: La cuvette lacustre. 138 p. + annexes. Volume 3: Le Niger moyen. 113 p. + annexes.

Lake Chad basin:

37. Commission de bassin du Lac Tchad. Plan directeur pour le d�veloppement et la gestion �cologiquement rationnelle des ressources naturelles du bassin conventionnel du Lac Tchad. Pr�par� avec l'assistance et la collaboration du PNUE et de l'UNSO. 39 p. + 55 p. annexes.

38. DHV/SOGREAH. 1980. Lake Chad basin development study. Draft final report for UNDP.

39. Jauro, Abubakar B. 1995. The Lake Chad basin: problems and prospects. A paper presented at the ICID Conference. 11-15 September 1995, FAO, Rome. 23 p. + annexes.

40. UNDP/UNEP/UNSO. 1990. Le bassin conventionnel du Lac Tchad: une �tude diagnostique de la d�gradation de l'environnement. Prepared by Arnould, E., Hutchinson, C., Kindler, J. and Warshall, p. 237 p.

Nile basin:

41. Howell, P.P. and Allan, J.A. (eds). 1994. The Nile: sharing a scarce resource: An historical and technical review of water management and of economical and legal issues. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 408 p.

42. Howell, P., Lock, M. and Cobb, S. (eds). 1988. The Jonglei Canal: Impact and opportunity. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 537 p.

43. KBO/UNDP. 1982. Development programme of the Kagera basin. Volume 1-6. Kagera Basin Organization and UNDP.

44. Said, Rushdi. 1993. The Nile River: geology, hydrology and utilization. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK. 320 p.

45. SPIDER International Ltd. 1994. Water resources atlas of the Nile basin. Prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency.

46. UNDP. 1989. Nile basin integrated development. Fact finding mission draft report, projects RAF/86/003 and RAF/86/014.

Zambezi basin:

47. UNEP. 1987. Diagnostic study on the present state of ecology and the environmental management of the common Zambezi River system. UNEP/IG.78 Background paper 1. 101 p.

West Coast: Gambia basin:

48a. FAO. 1984. Agricultural research in the Gambia River basin: report of a review mission. Rome. 43 p.

West Coast: Volta basin:

48. ORSTOM. 1977. Le bassin du fleuve Volta: Monographies hydrologiques. Prepared by Moniod, F., Pouyaud, B. and Sechet, P. ORSTOM.

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