Table 2.3.1: Catches in tonnes of Sardina pilchardus by zones, fleet and year from 1990 to 1999/Captures en tonnes de Sardina pilchardus par zones, flottilles et année de 1990 à 1999
Table 2.3.2: Historical catches in tonnes of Sardina pilchardus by zones, fleet and year from 1960 to 1989/Captures historiques en tonnes de Sardina pilchardus par zones, flottilles et année de 1960 à 1989
Table 2.3.3: Effort by zones, fleet and year/Effort by zones, flottille et année
Table 2.5.1: Age composition (million individuals) of Sardina pilchardus from the Russian research vessels/Composition en âge (millions dindividus) de Sardina pilchardus des navires de recherche russes
Table 2.6.1: Input data VPA. Catch-at-age (thousands of individuals) of Sardina pilchardus in Zone C/Données de base VPA. Âge des captures (milliers dindividus) de Sardina pilchardus dans la Zone C Catch-at-age (thousands of individuals)
Table 2.6.2: Input data VPA. Mean weight-at-age (kg) of Sardina pilchardus in Zone C from 1983 to 1999/Données de base VPA. Poids moyen (kg) de Sardina pilchardus dans la Zone C de 1983 à 1999
Table 2.6.3: Input data VPA. Acoustic abundance estimates of sardine by length group from R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen/Données de base VPA. Estimations de labondance acoustique de la sardine par groupe dâge par le R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
Table 2.6.4: Input data VPA. Maturity ogive (source: IEO,Spain)/Données de base VPA.. Ogive de maturité (source: IEO, Espagne)
Table 3.3.1a: Catches (tonnes) of Sardinella aurita 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Sardinella aurita 1990-1999 par pays, par flottille et par année
Table 3.3.1b: Catches (tonnes) of Sardinella maderensis 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Sardinella maderensis 1990-1999 par pays, par flottille et par année
Table 3.3.2a: Historical catches (tonnes) of Sardinella aurita by country and year/ Captures historiques (tonnes) de Sardinella aurita par pays et année
Table 3.3.2b: Historical catches (tonnes) of Sardinella maderensis by country and year/ Captures historiques (tonnes) de Sardinella maderensis par pays et année
Table 3.3.3: Effort (fishing days) by country, fleet and year/Effort (jours de pêche) par pays, par flottille et par année
Table 4.1.1: Breakdown of stock distribution of horse mackerel in the CECAF region (Sepia, 1997)/Répartition de la distribution des stocks de chinchard dans la région CECAF (Sepia, 1997)
Table 4.2.1: General characteristics of the Eastern European vessels working in the Northern CECAF Zone (Sepia, 1997)/Caractéristiques générales des navires est-européens actifs dans la Zone nord CECAF (Sepia, 1997)
Table 4.2.2: List and characteristics of the European Union vessels (Corten, 1999)/Liste et caractéristiques des navires de lUnion Européenne (Corten, 1999)
Table 4.3.1a: Catches (tonnes) of Trachurus trachurus 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Trachurus trachurus 1990-1999 par pays, flottille et année
Table 4.3.1b: Catches (tonnes) of Trachurus trecae 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Trachurus trecae par pays, flottille et année
Table 4.3.1c: Catches (tonnes) of Caranx rhonchus 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Caranx rhonchus 1990-1999 par pays, flottille et année
Table 4.3.2a: Historic catch data of Trachurus trachurus in the sub-region/Données de capture historiques pour le Trachurus trachurus dans la sous-région
Table 4.3.2b: Historic catch data of Trachurus trecae in the sub-region/Données de capture historiques pour le Trachurus trecae dans la sous-région (Source: Russia)
Table 4.3.3: Horse mackerel effort data/Données deffort pour le chinchard (Until 1990 the effort is calculated on the basis of an effective CPUE (GT CNROP Jusquen 1990 leffort est calculé sur la base dune CPUE réelle (GT CNROP 1993))
Table 4.4.1: Catch-at-age (in thousands) of Trachurus trecae (1979-1999) in the sub-region/Âge des capture (en milliers) de Trachurus trecae (1979-1999) dans la sous-région
Table 4.4.2: Catch-at-age (in thousands) of Trachurus trachurus (1979-1999) in the sub-region/Âge des capture (en milliers) de Trachurus trachurus (1979-1999) dans la sous-région
Table 4.5.1: Biomass estimates of Trachurus trecae (000 tonnes), R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen/Estimations de biomasse du Trachurus trecae (milliers de tonnes), R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
Table 4.5.2: Biomass estimates of Trachurus trachurus (000 tonnes), R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen/Estimations de biomasse du Trachurus trachurus (milliers de tonnes), R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
Table 4.5.3: Russian biomass estimates of horse mackerels/Estimations russes de la biomasse des chinchards
Table 5.3.1: Catches (tonnes) of Scomber japonicus 1990-1999 by country, fleet and year/Captures (tonnes) de Scomber japonicus 1990-1999 par pays, par flottille et par année
Table 5.3.2: Effort (days fishing)/Effort (jours de pêche)
Table 5.5.1: Catch (tonnes), effort standardised to units of Russia (days fishing) and CPUE of Scomber japonicus/Capture (tonnes), effort standardisé par unités de la Russie (jours de pêche) et CPUE du Scomber japonicus
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
15478 |
17261 |
18745 |
24496 |
16643 |
16661 |
11497 |
7154 |
5567 |
4277 |
Total North |
15478 |
17261 |
18745 |
24496 |
16643 |
16661 |
11497 |
7154 |
5567 |
4277 |
A (32oN - 29oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
48881 |
33643 |
46199 |
54145 |
30838 |
19381 |
3546 |
16237 |
33186 |
21814 |
Total A |
48881 |
33643 |
46199 |
54145 |
30838 |
19381 |
3546 |
16237 |
33186 |
21814 |
B (29oN - 26oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
223714 |
261757 |
197939 |
253322 |
399051 |
477947 |
354820 |
423268 |
347965 |
370164 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners |
58481 |
100319 |
28071 |
2218 |
12790 |
89 |
25 |
Total B |
282195 |
362076 |
226010 |
255540 |
411841 |
478036 |
354845 |
423268 |
347965 |
370164 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
28450 |
33727 |
31919 |
30127 |
18880 |
27561 |
8439 |
37951 |
45355 |
18715 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners |
66075 |
16229 |
68759 |
112243 |
67800 |
13714 |
125813 |
113053 |
138166 |
55726 |
Ukraine and Others Pelagic Trawlers (5) |
30188 |
7474 |
16861 |
44093 |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers(3) |
356203 |
262579 |
144627 |
67523 |
53845 |
45417 |
53121 |
24630 |
5100 |
4762 |
Others Pelagic trawlers(2) |
315479 |
342261 |
184374 |
78532 |
45860 |
45276 |
Others Mauritania (4)* |
10356 |
15139 |
8118 |
7144 |
European Union (4) |
1223 |
9255 |
11484 |
4134 |
Total C |
766207 |
654796 |
429679 |
288425 |
186385 |
131968 |
229140 |
207502 |
225084 |
134574 |
1112762 |
1067776 |
720633 |
622605 |
645707 |
646046 |
599028 |
654161 |
611802 |
530829 |
(1) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 90/50 tables A 3 (page 31) and A 7 (page 35)/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 90/50 Tableaux A 3 (page 31) et A 7 (page 35).(2) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 97/60 Table 9 page 15/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9 page 15.
(3) Data from 1983-1995 obtained from COPACE/PACE/SERIES 97/60 Table 9, Page 15. For the period 1996-1999 the data are Russian statistics from statistical subdivisions 34.1.3 and 34.3.1. For these years Russia did not fish in Senegal/Données de 1983-1995 obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9, page 15. Pour la période 1996-1999 les données sont des statistiques russes des subdivisions statistiques 34.1.3 et 34.3.1. Pendant ces années la Russie n'a pas pêché au Sénégal.
(4) Data obtained from CNROP statistics/Données obtenues à partir des statistiques CNROP.
(5) Moroccan statistics (INRH)/Statistiques marocaines (INRH).
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse - Seiner |
4749 |
3598 |
5436 |
8030 |
11740 |
6891 |
13631 |
11521 |
12213 |
10941 |
Total Zone North |
4749 |
3598 |
5436 |
8030 |
11740 |
6891 |
13631 |
11521 |
12213 |
10941 |
A (32oN - 29oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse - Seiner |
87018 |
120226 |
120136 |
119128 |
130392 |
148457 |
237657 |
196597 |
155397 |
157168 |
Total Zone A |
87018 |
120226 |
120136 |
119128 |
130392 |
148457 |
237657 |
196597 |
155397 |
157168 |
B (29oN - 26oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse - Seiner |
Spanish Purse - Seiners |
9069 |
16479 |
17030 |
24032 |
25646 |
Others Seiners +Trawlers (1) |
5531 |
4400 |
11589 |
8313 |
10352 |
Total Zone B |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
14600 |
20879 |
28619 |
32345 |
35998 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Spanish Purse - Seiners |
Moroccan Coastal Purse - Seiner |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers |
Ukraine and Others Pelagic Trawlers |
Others Pelagic Trawlers (1) |
URSS Pelagic Trawlers(1) |
80100 |
Total Zone C |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
80100 |
91767 |
123824 |
125572 |
127158 |
142132 |
169948 |
272167 |
236737 |
199955 |
284207 |
(1) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 90/50 tables A 3 (page 31) and A 7 (page 35)/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 90/50 Tableaux A 3 (page 31) et A 7 (page 35).Table 2.3.2 (cont.): Historical catches in tonnes of Sardina pilchardus by zones, fleet and year from 1960 to 1989/Captures historiques en tonnes de Sardina pilchardus par zones, flottilles et année de 1960 à 1989(2) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 97/60 Table 9 page 15/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9 page 15.
(3) Data from 1983-1995 obtained from COPACE/PACE/SERIES 97/60 Table 9, Page 15.For the period 1996-1m999 the data are Russian statistics from statistical subdivisions 34.1.3 and 34.3.1. For these years Russia did not fish in Senegal/Données de 1983-1995 obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9, page 15. Pour la période 1996-1999 les données sont des statistiques russes des subdivisions statistiques 34.1.3 et 34.3.1. Pendant ces années la Russie n'a pas pêché au Sénégal.
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
12979 |
10642 |
25701 |
19297 |
5624 |
10575 |
33280 |
8555 |
29282 |
17702 |
Total North |
12979 |
10642 |
25701 |
19297 |
5624 |
10575 |
33280 |
8555 |
29282 |
17702 |
A (32oN - 29oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
150233 |
172676 |
159211 |
326261 |
204231 |
146614 |
176162 |
101877 |
91141 |
163442 |
Total A |
150233 |
172676 |
159211 |
326261 |
204231 |
146614 |
176162 |
101877 |
91141 |
163442 |
B (29oN - 26oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
Others Seiners + Pursers (1) |
11583 |
11300 |
4858 |
7128 |
10235 |
69970 |
8278 |
1758 |
35663 |
2042 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners |
38927 |
44211 |
42020 |
60500 |
76000 |
63500 |
112450 |
129420 |
89520 |
85092 |
Total B |
50510 |
55511 |
46878 |
67628 |
86235 |
133470 |
120728 |
131178 |
125183 |
87134 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Spanish Purse-Seiners |
21150 |
29348 |
2315 |
Moroccan Purse-Seiner |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers |
Others Pelagic trawlers (1) |
5 |
315 |
4283 |
32513 |
83716 |
127568 |
138761 |
253427 |
82330 |
3308 |
Ukraine and Others Pelagic Trawlers |
URSS Pelagic Trawlers(1) |
88700 |
123600 |
60251 |
190511 |
323171 |
298994 |
508399 |
316654 |
139978 |
110365 |
Total C |
88705 |
123915 |
64534 |
244174 |
436235 |
428877 |
647160 |
570081 |
222308 |
113673 |
302427 |
362744 |
296324 |
657360 |
732325 |
719536 |
977330 |
811691 |
467914 |
381951 |
(1) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 90/50 tables A 3 (page 31) and A 7 (page 35)/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 90/50 Tableaux A 3 (page 31) et A 7 (page 35).Table 2.3.2 (cont.): Historical catches in tonnes of Sardina pilchardus by zones, fleet and year from 1960 to 1989/Captures historiques en tonnes de Sardina pilchardus par zones, flottilles et année de 1960 à 1989(2) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 97/60 Table 9 page 15/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9 page 15.
(3) Data from 1983-1995 obtained from COPACE/PACE/SERIES 97/60 Table 9, Page 15. For the period 1996-1999 the data are Russian statistics from statistical subdivisions 34.1.3 and 34.3.1. For these years Russia did not fish in Senegal/Données de 1983-1995 obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9, page 15. Pour la période 1996-1999 les données sont des statistiques russes des subdivisions statistiques 34.1.3 et 34.3.1. Pendant ces années la Russie n'a pas pêché au Sénégal.
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
20755 |
30761 |
28174 |
17562 |
13028 |
20422 |
19066 |
18531 |
17338 |
16093 |
Total North |
20755 |
30761 |
28174 |
17562 |
13028 |
20422 |
19066 |
18531 |
17338 |
16093 |
A (32oN - 29oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
181198 |
200395 |
104738 |
174430 |
69535 |
63924 |
110228 |
118221 |
101397 |
56814 |
Total A |
181198 |
200395 |
104738 |
174430 |
69535 |
63924 |
110228 |
118221 |
101397 |
56814 |
B (29oN - 26oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiner |
25410 |
17303 |
63806 |
81224 |
128164 |
110495 |
170638 |
204793 |
Spanish Purse-Seiner |
84979 |
87510 |
129539 |
127541 |
130675 |
131920 |
58916 |
94227 |
78924 |
130172 |
Others Seiners+Trawlers (1) |
10075 |
25183 |
37427 |
Total B |
84979 |
87510 |
165024 |
170027 |
231908 |
213144 |
187080 |
204722 |
249562 |
334965 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners |
39000 |
35000 |
36000 |
33400 |
27630 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners |
21603 |
33547 |
25483 |
33765 |
15707 |
86015 |
31815 |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers(3) |
257923 |
306815 |
Others Pelagic Trawlers (1) |
39291 |
10000 |
Others Pelagic Trawlers(2) |
2544 |
116 |
4082 |
9859 |
20000 |
196175 |
332197 |
URSS (1) |
168174 |
185850 |
164223 |
173715 |
179232 |
159539 |
169290 |
338685 |
Total C |
207465 |
195850 |
164223 |
197862 |
212895 |
228104 |
247914 |
410392 |
573513 |
698457 |
494397 |
514516 |
462159 |
559881 |
527366 |
525594 |
564287 |
751867 |
941809 |
1106328 |
(1) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 90/50 tables A 3 (page 31) and A 7 (page 35)/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 90/50 Tableaux A 3 (page 31) et A 7 (page 35).(2) Data obtained from COPACE/PACE SERIES 97/60 Table 9 page 15/Données obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9 page 15.
(3) Data from 1983-1995 obtained from COPACE/PACE/SERIES 97/60 Table 9, Page 15. For the period 1996-1999 the data are Russian statistics from statistical subdivisions 34.1.3 and 34.3.1. For these years Russia did not fish in Senegal/Données de 1983-1995 obtenues à partir des SERIES COPACE/PACE 97/60 Tableau 9, page 15. Pour la période 1996-1999 les données sont des statistiques russes des subdivisions statistiques 34.1.3 et 34.3.1. Pendant ces années la Russie n'a pas pêché au Sénégal.
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
A (32oN - 29oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
18893 |
11237 |
9498 |
18977 |
B (29oN - 26oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
3265 |
3209 |
2355 |
1746 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners(1) |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers (5) |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
A (32oN - 29oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
19431 |
20711 |
11159 |
12134 |
8243 |
6952 |
10357 |
14328 |
11279 |
8323 |
B (29oN - 26oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
1250 |
779 |
3114 |
4894 |
5795 |
4384 |
7758 |
8674 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
1778 |
1538 |
2007 |
1632 |
1785 |
1688 |
821 |
880 |
672 |
1134 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners(1) |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
467 |
715 |
392 |
428 |
93 |
445 |
264 |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers (5) |
4829 |
4715 |
5279 |
5221 |
9851 |
12187 |
15272 |
(1) trips with catches/sorties avec apportsTable 2.3.3 (cont.): Effort by zones, fleet and year/Effort by zones, flottille et année
(2) fishing days/jours de pêche
(3) do not target sardine/ne ciblent pas la sardine
(4) Morocco-INRH/Maroc-INRH
(5) standardised effort/effort standardisé
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
1675 |
1943 |
3160 |
3189 |
2865 |
3046 |
1872 |
936 |
8 |
(**) |
A (32oN - 29oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
7330 |
4605 |
5848 |
6829 |
4135 |
1943 |
578 |
1530 |
2364 |
5122 |
B (29oN - 26oN)
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners (1) |
7023 |
10085 |
9163 |
10404 |
16375 |
20693 |
19361 |
9365 |
10248 |
14102 |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
407 |
782 |
477 |
20 |
259 |
2 |
1 |
C (26oN - 20oN) |
Moroccan Coastal Purse-Seiners |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Spanish Purse-Seiners (2) |
416 |
187 |
546 |
715 |
471 |
115 |
910 |
814 |
870 |
567 |
Ukraine and Others Pelagic Trawlers (2)(4) |
NA |
NA |
NA |
93 |
1194 |
2323 |
2239 |
3080 |
5797 |
4803 |
Russia (2)(4) |
1476 |
2818 |
4162 |
2952 |
4411 |
7399 |
6524 |
Russian Pelagic Trawlers(2)(5) |
15188 |
14199 |
7497 |
5027 |
3389 |
2297 |
Others Pelagic trawlers(2) |
Others Mauritania (3)* |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
European Union (3) |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
(1) trips with cacthes/sorties avec apports
(2) fishing days/jours de pêche
(3) do not target sardine/ne ciblent pas la sardine
(4) Morocco-INRH/Maroc-INRH
(5) standardised effort/effort standardisé
Month-Year/Age |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Zone C |
7-8 1999 |
1445 |
3033 |
1108 |
46 |
30 |
7 1998 |
42 |
6019 |
3223 |
1020 |
192 |
9 |
5 1996 |
723 |
1020 |
4116 |
3771 |
1079 |
24 |
8 1995 |
3215 |
5603 |
10490 |
15008 |
2387 |
7 1994 |
150 |
1251 |
8073 |
3742 |
264 |
Mauritania |
6 1998 |
148 |
6695 |
111 |
21 |
67 |
37 |
3 |
Ages/Years |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
0 |
2820 |
189 |
24461 |
1094 |
596 |
2080 |
129 |
1 |
118246 |
176743 |
126499 |
191987 |
330163 |
682515 |
379930 |
889223 |
2 |
458351 |
643833 |
619399 |
674222 |
586326 |
1718995 |
913613 |
2036191 |
3 |
1135460 |
1183852 |
1610702 |
1009456 |
1332075 |
2151711 |
2544783 |
2658165 |
4 |
707033 |
669809 |
648918 |
805001 |
1556512 |
1601163 |
2850908 |
2891544 |
5 |
234431 |
171826 |
61201 |
311736 |
966394 |
1029466 |
1580979 |
1309369 |
6 |
14548 |
49689 |
46427 |
180944 |
276153 |
365702 |
282121 |
314011 |
7 |
12666 |
14135 |
21922 |
39269 |
26601 |
55037 |
24680 |
64506 |
8 |
3871 |
635 |
549 |
5561 |
1005 |
18188 |
24000 |
9 |
214 |
324 |
109 |
54 |
88 |
4593 |
2659 |
N/1000 |
2687640 |
2911035 |
3160187 |
3219324 |
5075913 |
7629450 |
8577106 |
10189797 |
Total catch |
197862 |
212895 |
228104 |
247914 |
410392 |
573513 |
698457 |
766207 |
Ages/Years |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
0 |
420 |
68 |
1741 |
125 |
2894 |
77448 |
19813 |
28108 |
1 |
624613 |
588710 |
106919 |
55705 |
41876 |
62995 |
551093 |
1211337 |
330086 |
2 |
1604457 |
1961506 |
623152 |
664866 |
170317 |
417509 |
741833 |
979006 |
541112 |
3 |
2327931 |
1495437 |
1971575 |
1347683 |
320607 |
980631 |
496298 |
423899 |
110766 |
4 |
2658842 |
172164 |
644966 |
547308 |
574014 |
495336 |
424345 |
283838 |
27746 |
5 |
1130307 |
1090898 |
303493 |
100737 |
340482 |
153962 |
110890 |
113496 |
10520 |
6 |
233996 |
298608 |
100455 |
6565 |
89430 |
7030 |
41633 |
7808 |
2592 |
7 |
24258 |
12175 |
14179 |
1525 |
5595 |
3365 |
1715 |
523 |
8 |
5420 |
24 |
1872 |
201 |
534 |
3 |
9 |
1446 |
298 |
N/1000 |
8611338 |
5619942 |
3766679 |
2726331 |
1542470 |
2124554 |
2443540 |
3040911 |
1051455 |
Total catch |
654796 |
429679 |
288425 |
186385 |
131968 |
229140 |
207502 |
225084 |
134574 |
Ages/Years |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
0 |
0.018 |
0.028 |
0.028 |
0.025 |
0.022 |
0.030 |
0.024 |
0.018 |
1 |
0.038 |
0.058 |
0.059 |
0.058 |
0.060 |
0.060 |
0.073 |
0.067 |
2 |
0.057 |
0.065 |
0.063 |
0.067 |
0.068 |
0.070 |
0.087 |
0.081 |
3 |
0.063 |
0.069 |
0.074 |
0.081 |
0.075 |
0.074 |
0.091 |
0.089 |
4 |
0.073 |
0.071 |
0.073 |
0.085 |
0.078 |
0.078 |
0.097 |
0.094 |
5 |
0.073 |
0.077 |
0.080 |
0.089 |
0.081 |
0.084 |
0.102 |
0.102 |
6 |
0.078 |
0.079 |
0.079 |
0.092 |
0.082 |
0.086 |
0.103 |
0.108 |
7+ |
0.088 |
0.089 |
0.091 |
0.100 |
0.102 |
0.083 |
0.097 |
0.103 |
Ages/Years |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996* |
1997 |
1998 |
1999* |
0 |
0.023 |
0.027 |
0.020 |
0.022 |
0.021 |
0.024 |
0.014 |
0.019 |
0.027 |
1 |
0.072 |
0.070 |
0.048 |
0.043 |
0.046 |
0.029 |
0.040 |
0.051 |
0.062 |
2 |
0.083 |
0.072 |
0.072 |
0.055 |
0.083 |
0.068 |
0.070 |
0.064 |
0.077 |
3 |
0.089 |
0.071 |
0.076 |
0.059 |
0.089 |
0.085 |
0.094 |
0.086 |
0.092 |
4 |
0.093 |
0.113 |
0.083 |
0.085 |
0.105 |
0.104 |
0.107 |
0.117 |
0.111 |
5 |
0.101 |
0.104 |
0.091 |
0.108 |
0.100 |
0.117 |
0.114 |
0.121 |
0.119 |
6 |
0.101 |
0.093 |
0.110 |
0.102 |
0.106 |
0.128 |
0.124 |
0.119 |
0.141 |
7+ |
0.101 |
0.131 |
0.110 |
0.109 |
0.109 |
0.130 |
0.122 |
0.132 |
0.160 |
Year/Ages |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1995 |
11879 |
3130 |
15701 |
25358 |
4051 |
46 |
1996 |
1858 |
8150 |
12086 |
22056 |
17245 |
6280 |
335 |
2 |
1997 |
17403 |
15513 |
1887 |
593 |
551 |
246 |
93 |
1998 |
656 |
13569 |
5464 |
743 |
690 |
331 |
90 |
34 |
1999 |
5211 |
17711 |
14884 |
3309 |
422 |
82 |
69 |
Age |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7+ |
% |
0.00 |
0.50 |
0.95 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone Nord |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Russian |
103075 |
18829 |
267 |
3423 |
1932 |
5619 |
1537 |
13790 |
15256 |
23089 |
Morocco Zone C |
Ukrainian & others |
101 |
1386 |
8939 |
10796 |
15770 |
66237 |
61243 |
Mauritania |
All |
78645 |
50425 |
53756 |
35436 |
23409 |
65175 |
205756 |
168062 |
243672 |
173423 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
83661 |
95114 |
155869 |
144944 |
132109 |
94845 |
138732 |
69757 |
82527 |
74410 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
10761 |
20290 |
19586 |
4499 |
3455 |
5948 |
6610 |
6024 |
2423 |
3525 |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
2691 |
933 |
74 |
55 |
6 |
5 |
6 |
21 |
6 |
88 |
The Gambia |
Artisanal |
6 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
60 |
33 |
36 |
278839 |
185591 |
229556 |
188460 |
162297 |
180532 |
363443 |
273484 |
410154 |
335814 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone Nord |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Russian |
38014 |
7186 |
14 |
8 |
23 |
6 |
55 |
61 |
93 |
Morocco Zone C |
Ukrainian & others |
0 |
6 |
36 |
43 |
63 |
266 |
246 |
Mauritania |
All |
28355 |
7445 |
14146 |
8859 |
5799 |
16350 |
41804 |
23383 |
35242 |
17168 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
68706 |
69575 |
74325 |
76968 |
46280 |
46584 |
114316 |
36781 |
28178 |
66830 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
6714 |
9962 |
14286 |
8389 |
4639 |
10717 |
7398 |
9008 |
4306 |
3720 |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
3257 |
567 |
15 |
32 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
10 |
6 |
73 |
The Gambia |
Artisanal |
17 |
0 |
1 |
0.8 |
0 |
0.5 |
5 |
26 |
31 |
32 |
145063 |
94735 |
102774 |
94263 |
56737 |
73714 |
163576 |
69326 |
68090 |
88162 |
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
Senegal |
9196 |
7952 |
10456 |
13207 |
Gambia |
Unallocated |
2180 |
25926 |
21676 |
24483 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
11376 |
33878 |
32132 |
37690 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
104640 |
Senegal |
11090 |
13448 |
23718 |
29356 |
34317 |
29491 |
38850 |
69321 |
77364 |
70027 |
Gambia |
Unallocated |
206557 |
122916 |
248638 |
183370 |
112708 |
203761 |
141995 |
146265 |
146688 |
21 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
217647 |
136364 |
272356 |
212726 |
147025 |
233252 |
180845 |
215586 |
224052 |
174688 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
152667 |
134532 |
52617 |
56929 |
53470 |
63233 |
64209 |
102097 |
109329 |
130234 |
Senegal |
76151 |
63090 |
24503 |
28838 |
19656 |
36780 |
56626 |
70978 |
75367 |
91873 |
Gambia |
11 |
1 |
7 |
0 |
8 |
14 |
1251 |
2228 |
2841 |
Unallocated |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2132 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
228818 |
197633 |
77121 |
85774 |
73126 |
100021 |
120849 |
174326 |
186924 |
227080 |
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
Senegal |
21574 |
18587 |
17193 |
20134 |
Gambia |
Unallocated |
178 |
7151 |
5301 |
11046 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
21752 |
25738 |
22494 |
31180 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
1978 |
1979 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
9763 |
Senegal |
17091 |
17191 |
29967 |
30640 |
34927 |
32080 |
42089 |
43923 |
39569 |
49587 |
Gambia |
Unallocated |
97194 |
26208 |
60711 |
85351 |
57939 |
119687 |
84879 |
55443 |
37030 |
38021 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
114285 |
43399 |
90678 |
115991 |
92866 |
151767 |
126968 |
99366 |
76599 |
97371 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
Morocco |
Mauritania |
40346 |
12486 |
14405 |
18872 |
16524 |
35912 |
46355 |
37430 |
41796 |
38013 |
Senegal |
40798 |
51940 |
42830 |
59685 |
56430 |
51988 |
50094 |
68048 |
64000 |
71846 |
Gambia |
31 |
0 |
9144 |
4792 |
7796 |
4563 |
2292 |
Unallocated |
0 |
11 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2469 |
Total CECAF 34.1.3+34.3.1 |
81144 |
64437 |
57238 |
78589 |
72954 |
97044 |
101241 |
113274 |
110359 |
114620 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Russia |
1383 |
1624 |
1839 |
713 |
1331 |
1602 |
1721 |
Ukraine and others |
93 |
1194 |
2323 |
2239 |
3080 |
5797 |
4803 |
All fleets |
7865 |
8415 |
7317 |
3893 |
6272 |
10062 |
7758 |
9243 |
8616 |
Nederland |
728 |
879 |
1167 |
1247 |
Artisanal (nombre de sorties) |
72800 |
69174 |
80000 |
80555 |
70322 |
65377 |
71365 |
79102 |
85099 |
75974 |
Industrial |
239 |
636 |
1347 |
770 |
344 |
431 |
482 |
598 |
480 |
1367 |
Gambia |
Species/Stock |
Time and place of spawning |
Fishery availability |
Depth |
Trachurus trachurus: |
- North of 26°N |
All year |
From the coast to more than 100 m |
- Between 26°N and10°N |
December to April 20 to 26°N |
South of 19 °N October to May. North of this limit, all year |
From the coast to more than 300 m, in depths of less than 100 m |
Trachurus trecae: |
- 9°N to 23 °N
All year |
All year |
- depths of less than 100m. |
2 periods: (March - June and August - October.) Cape Vert and Cape Timiris |
Move around the EEZ according to the temperature |
more coastal than Trachurus trachurus. |
Caranx rhonchus: |
- 23°N to 9°N |
June to October South of Cape Timiris |
All year, more southern than the other horse mackerel; - From January to June only in the southern zone |
From the coast to 150m depth during daylight hours in schools at the
bottom, during the night they are dispersed and come to the surface |
Category |
Length (m) |
Power (H.P) |
Freezing t/d |
Hold (m3) |
Crew |
Activity |
Date of construction |
Nb in 96 in RIM |
62 |
1900 |
2400 |
10 |
300 |
40 |
frz |
60/75 |
1 |
80/89 |
2435/2900 |
1650/3600 |
30/45 |
1000/1800 |
70/80 |
frz +meal |
62/74 |
7 |
82/87 |
2200/2800 |
2000/2600 |
50 |
1300/1800 |
72/93 |
frz +meal |
68/74 |
1 |
94/102 |
3150/4000 |
3880 |
60 |
1800/2200 |
88/103 |
frz +meal |
74/84 |
13 |
128 |
8425 |
7560 |
20 |
3040 |
232/248 |
frz +meal + can |
65 |
1 |
RKTS(2nd generation) |
115 |
6400 |
7560 |
3030 |
138 |
frz +meal+ can |
80/90 |
3 |
110/112 |
3400/4500 |
7000 |
50 |
2800/4500 |
96 |
frz +meal + can |
77/83 |
2 |
104/105 |
4400 |
6000/7000 |
2400/2300 |
86/138 |
frz +meal |
84/90 |
14 |
120 |
7765 |
7200 |
50 |
3200/4000 |
92/137 |
frz +meal + can |
90/93 |
8 |
Frz: freezing/congélation; can: canning/mise en conserve
Vessel name |
Length (m) |
Power (H.P.) |
Freezing t/d |
Capacity of refrigeration tanks
(m3) |
Hold (m3) |
Activity |
Date of construction |
Johanna Maria |
120 |
6534 |
8980 |
267 |
651 |
7186 |
Freezing |
1994 |
Atlantic Princess |
98 |
6600 |
220 |
255 |
4300 |
Freezing |
1984 |
Ocean IV |
95 |
6000 |
120 |
280 |
3200 |
Freezing |
1988 |
Gertrud Margreta |
Dirk Diederick |
111 |
9000 |
250 |
5000 |
5400 |
Freezing |
1990 |
Helen Mary |
117 |
6324 |
300 |
1017 |
3897 |
Freezing |
1996 |
Fransziska |
120 |
7153 |
10400 |
220 |
700 |
9633 |
Freezing |
1989 |
Frank Bonefaas |
120 |
6512 |
7900 |
250 |
625 |
7346 |
Freezing |
1994 |
Zeeland |
115 |
9874 |
250 |
625 |
6450 |
Freezing |
1989 |
Cornelis Vrolijk |
115 |
9000 |
220 |
400 |
4000 |
Freezing |
1988 |
Atlantic Star |
Carolien |
126 |
6999 |
7690 |
325 |
750 |
7637 |
Freezing |
1998 |
Africa |
7005 |
5423 |
1999 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone North |
Moroccan |
7111 |
4851 |
7085 |
12380 |
9250 |
11291 |
2259 |
3873 |
3384 |
5824 |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
4948 |
5231 |
9071 |
10255 |
12863 |
9773 |
6695 |
3149 |
1899 |
4389 |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
10 |
10 |
29 |
12 |
110 |
111 |
90 |
533 |
1346 |
688 |
Morocco Zone C |
Moroccan |
3 |
3 |
Morocco Zone C |
Russian |
2020 |
2523 |
6897 |
4024 |
4736 |
10147 |
13418 |
Morocco Zone C |
Ukrania & others |
320 |
16254 |
21032 |
18644 |
26649 |
47630 |
43784 |
Mauritania |
All |
33000 |
11949 |
20316 |
23250 |
15172 |
22492 |
16054 |
11558 |
20601 |
15051 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
Senegal |
Industrial |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
45069 |
22041 |
36501 |
48237 |
56172 |
71596 |
47766 |
50498 |
85010 |
83157 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone North |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Russian |
505 |
631 |
1724 |
1006 |
1184 |
2537 |
3355 |
Morocco Zone C |
Ukrania & others |
80 |
4064 |
5258 |
4661 |
6662 |
11908 |
10946 |
Mauritania |
All |
57000 |
94398 |
116995 |
86769 |
56850 |
97272 |
70274 |
52320 |
91455 |
65206 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
1525 |
3957 |
2218 |
3343 |
962 |
1382 |
1045 |
509 |
2804 |
1765 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
33 |
234 |
877 |
14614 |
10597 |
15816 |
13397 |
11666 |
13888 |
2600 |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
452 |
747 |
14 |
542 |
166 |
181 |
176 |
383 |
90 |
170 |
The Gambia |
Artisanal |
30 |
60 |
27 |
49 |
21 |
64 |
60 |
13 |
38 |
103 |
59040 |
99396 |
120130 |
105902 |
73291 |
121697 |
90619 |
72737 |
122720 |
84145 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone North |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Moroccan |
Morocco Zone C |
Russian |
Morocco Zone C |
Ukrania & others |
Mauritania |
All |
22000 |
6487 |
1927 |
9451 |
6235 |
345 |
630 |
1236 |
1386 |
648 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
4725 |
2907 |
3650 |
4007 |
2590 |
3574 |
2980 |
2934 |
4407 |
8359 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
6 |
0 |
10066 |
867 |
564 |
601 |
288 |
1742 |
140 |
16251 |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
83 |
0 |
161 |
32 |
9 |
7 |
4 |
57 |
1 |
98 |
The Gambia |
Artisanal |
94 |
44 |
44 |
59 |
56 |
166 |
172 |
77 |
59 |
87 |
26814 |
9394 |
15803 |
14358 |
9398 |
4526 |
3901 |
5969 |
5934 |
25356 |
Year |
Catch (t) |
1979 |
100243 |
1980 |
195409 |
1981 |
140662 |
1982 |
131753 |
1983 |
93070 |
1984 |
113467 |
1985 |
127681 |
1986 |
106218 |
1987 |
131827 |
1988 |
94462 |
1989 |
76965 |
Year |
Catch(t) |
1979 |
90193 |
1980 |
231750 |
1981 |
80211 |
1982 |
85867 |
1983 |
93283 |
1984 |
80596 |
1985 |
91999 |
1986 |
141787 |
1987 |
145742 |
1988 |
160049 |
1989 |
152884 |
Year |
Effort(days fishing) |
1979 |
8493 |
1980 |
21068 |
1981 |
5520 |
1982 |
9395 |
1983 |
11307 |
1984 |
10024 |
1985 |
10337 |
1986 |
12006 |
1987 |
8025 |
1988 |
7082 |
1989 |
7259 |
1990 |
5418 |
1991 |
3080 |
1992 |
3782 |
1993 |
4678 |
1994 |
2633 |
1995 |
5609 |
1996 |
11098 |
1997 |
10681 |
1998 |
15352 |
1999 |
6932 |
Age |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1 |
16560 |
13440 |
1 |
63210 |
9190 |
80 |
24410 |
70690 |
146840 |
63390 |
2 |
64060 |
153110 |
76200 |
33360 |
72730 |
231390 |
140160 |
57670 |
289270 |
150300 |
3 |
2740 |
59540 |
113790 |
37640 |
2720 |
134430 |
52260 |
54620 |
80920 |
225820 |
4 |
197480 |
398590 |
20180 |
118360 |
36730 |
19570 |
87650 |
61230 |
60240 |
88430 |
5 |
17960 |
105920 |
42890 |
24450 |
75250 |
3820 |
39950 |
126900 |
46670 |
48070 |
6 |
2810 |
6000 |
21590 |
28090 |
53250 |
820 |
11980 |
55010 |
45470 |
30840 |
7 |
430 |
70 |
3230 |
210 |
10380 |
210 |
1070 |
5470 |
5350 |
4840 |
8 |
10 |
1680 |
10 |
1 |
320 |
600 |
120 |
7120 |
1190 |
120 |
Catch (N) |
302050 |
738350 |
277891 |
305321 |
260570 |
390920 |
357600 |
438710 |
675950 |
611810 |
Catch (t) |
90193 |
231750 |
80211 |
85867 |
93283 |
80596 |
91999 |
141787 |
145742 |
160049 |
Age |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
1 |
320 |
80 |
15080 |
52806 |
39024 |
44892 |
1958 |
10430 |
2249 |
1287 |
1075 |
2 |
3580 |
2790 |
64471 |
240188 |
166856 |
101537 |
7081 |
4614 |
26281 |
1486 |
12010 |
3 |
67120 |
89030 |
111342 |
82645 |
85132 |
51709 |
61374 |
6286 |
28745 |
8810 |
20126 |
4 |
144970 |
127750 |
117930 |
43969 |
35690 |
21624 |
71936 |
11205 |
17604 |
8740 |
19473 |
5 |
95440 |
87130 |
54139 |
43202 |
33857 |
20683 |
36632 |
25406 |
46296 |
1357 |
26416 |
6 |
45840 |
31640 |
18175 |
20988 |
16338 |
9872 |
15538 |
87558 |
37398 |
635 |
64112 |
7 |
22650 |
3170 |
4392 |
7342 |
5837 |
3526 |
7714 |
50965 |
25123 |
544 |
42040 |
8 |
3910 |
540 |
826 |
4068 |
3909 |
2350 |
4904 |
8673 |
10402 |
630 |
26493 |
Catch (N) |
383830 |
342130 |
386355 |
495208 |
386642 |
256193 |
207137 |
205138 |
194099 |
23488 |
211744 |
Catch (t) |
152884 |
125433 |
118236 |
116069 |
93503 |
58350 |
78781 |
69995 |
65636 |
43679 |
84144 |
Source: Data suplied by the Russian researchers/Données fournies par les checheurs russes.
Age |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1 |
600 |
33800 |
171400 |
144000 |
759800 |
23800 |
311600 |
183200 |
79600 |
27900 |
200 |
2 |
4800 |
14300 |
331500 |
375700 |
101900 |
59300 |
344700 |
105200 |
253700 |
64000 |
8400 |
3 |
30200 |
179900 |
41600 |
77100 |
3700 |
56900 |
105800 |
59900 |
115700 |
158100 |
69800 |
4 |
26800 |
69600 |
127000 |
17600 |
6100 |
12200 |
36800 |
60100 |
63700 |
66200 |
109400 |
5 |
210900 |
291700 |
39800 |
24200 |
3700 |
12600 |
5600 |
32100 |
40700 |
23600 |
36700 |
6 |
100 |
1800 |
21000 |
17000 |
1800 |
120000 |
21500 |
32700 |
33500 |
17900 |
13300 |
7 |
100 |
17600 |
1700 |
25300 |
100 |
52200 |
7300 |
17100 |
14600 |
12800 |
10400 |
8 |
500 |
5100 |
100 |
13300 |
100 |
700 |
200 |
11700 |
3200 |
5300 |
1300 |
Catch (N) |
274000 |
613800 |
734100 |
694200 |
877200 |
337700 |
833500 |
502000 |
604700 |
375800 |
249500 |
Catch (t) |
100243 |
195409 |
140662 |
131753 |
93070 |
113467 |
127681 |
106218 |
131827 |
94462 |
76965 |
Age |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
1 |
10 |
59798 |
247583 |
229876 |
3036 |
25421 |
32171 |
11977 |
326 |
1376 |
2 |
12200 |
121603 |
131682 |
122296 |
212104 |
29482 |
64362 |
27924 |
94706 |
15260 |
3 |
60900 |
83466 |
74317 |
69013 |
220118 |
85477 |
68921 |
21128 |
134126 |
19154 |
4 |
129700 |
64398 |
27829 |
25880 |
16252 |
134750 |
72125 |
19573 |
79966 |
25152 |
5 |
47500 |
70336 |
25377 |
23347 |
1154 |
108358 |
71756 |
42996 |
38008 |
29947 |
6 |
16000 |
35712 |
28895 |
26894 |
471 |
17114 |
32904 |
32776 |
28945 |
40700 |
7 |
9900 |
7443 |
9170 |
8627 |
952 |
3065 |
7474 |
15322 |
26358 |
37394 |
8 |
100 |
84 |
1173 |
1013 |
729 |
2553 |
2466 |
1399 |
25607 |
61210 |
Catch (N) |
276310 |
442840 |
546026 |
506947 |
454816 |
406222 |
352179 |
173095 |
428043 |
230195 |
Catch (t) |
87790 |
110201 |
94710 |
87910 |
67106 |
105945 |
82359 |
48314 |
78381 |
72256 |
Source: Data supplied by the Russian researchers/Données fournies par les chercheurs russes.
Survey period |
Safi- C.Jubi |
C.Jubi- C.Blanc |
Mauritania |
Senegal- The Gambia |
Total |
Feb-Mar 1992 |
+ |
+ |
90 |
440 |
530 |
Nov-Dec 1995 |
+ |
90 |
80 |
10 |
180 |
Nov-Dec 1996 |
+ |
600 |
62 |
+ |
662 |
Nov-Dec 1997 |
+ |
505 |
150 |
+ |
655 |
Nov-Dec 1998 |
+ |
540 |
259 |
+ |
799 |
Nov-Dec 1999 |
+ |
290 |
296 |
67 |
653 |
Nov-Dec 2000 |
+ |
1030 |
724 |
8 |
1762 |
+ present in small quantities/présent en petites quantités
Survey period |
Safi-C.Jubi |
C.Jubi-C. Blanc |
Mauritania |
Total |
Feb-Mar 1992 |
52 |
68 |
70 |
190 |
Nov-Dec 1995 |
8 |
250 |
+ |
260 |
Nov-Dec 1996 |
50 |
400 |
+ |
450 |
Nov-Dec 1997 |
+ |
530 |
12 |
540 |
Nov-Dec 1998 |
+ |
180 |
+ |
180 |
Nov-Dec 1999 |
40 |
100 |
+ |
100 |
Nov-Dec 2000 |
90 |
190 |
+ |
280 |
Survey period |
Morocco-South |
Morocco-North |
Mauritania |
Total |
Jul-Aug 1994 |
23 |
15 |
38 |
Jan-Apr 1995 |
16 |
48 |
64 |
Jul-Sep 1995 |
196 |
113 |
304 |
613 |
May-Jul 1996 |
31 |
17 |
48 |
Jan-Feb 1997 |
45 |
13 |
63 |
121 |
Feb-Jun 1998 |
151 |
33 |
184 |
Jul-Aug 1998 |
60 |
50 |
445 |
555 |
Jul-Aug 1999 |
107 |
33 |
66 |
206 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Morocco Zone North |
Moroccan |
2474 |
829 |
1051 |
1181 |
1710 |
1678 |
887 |
2224 |
862 |
3353 |
Morocco Zone A |
Moroccan |
21519 |
6145 |
8863 |
9948 |
34886 |
24762 |
10600 |
13712 |
5272 |
11034 |
Morocco Zone B |
Moroccan |
2519 |
3618 |
3330 |
4510 |
384 |
910 |
4021 |
11761 |
4849 |
1401 |
Zone C |
Moroccan |
55 |
1 |
Zone C |
Russian |
4988 |
20970 |
27030 |
10975 |
50200 |
32290 |
30531 |
Zone C |
Ukrainian & others |
1824 |
11927 |
45661 |
55386 |
82015 |
115555 |
66601 |
Mauritania |
All |
20000 |
8235 |
20303 |
16578 |
19094 |
44730 |
98017 |
48464 |
41192 |
21470 |
Senegal |
Artisanal |
2482 |
843 |
1859 |
1376 |
1224 |
2296 |
1392 |
1596 |
1654 |
2439 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
17 |
88 |
431 |
1240 |
2189 |
1 |
3532 |
3534 |
3062 |
6461 |
The Gambia |
Industrial |
235 |
281 |
7 |
46 |
34 |
0 |
46 |
116 |
20 |
125 |
The Gambia |
Artisanal |
49 |
13 |
23 |
20 |
27 |
106 |
80 |
42 |
22 |
59 |
49296 |
20052 |
35867 |
41711 |
92445 |
147175 |
184935 |
213720 |
204779 |
143474 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Zone C |
Russia |
1383 |
1624 |
1839 |
713 |
1331 |
1602 |
1721 |
Ukraine&others |
93 |
1194 |
2323 |
2239 |
3080 |
5797 |
4803 |
Pel Traw Total |
1476 |
2818 |
4162 |
2952 |
4411 |
7399 |
6524 |
Senegal |
Industrial |
239 |
636 |
1347 |
770 |
344 |
431 |
482 |
598 |
480 |
Mauritania |
Industrial |
9700 |
9100 |
8454 |
7778 |
4535 |
8601 |
7279 |
9239 |
1984 |
82000 |
1892 |
43.34 |
1985 |
75300 |
2338 |
32.21 |
1986 |
78000 |
2520 |
30.95 |
1987 |
85700 |
2592 |
33.06 |
1988 |
277700 |
7630 |
36.40 |
1989 |
261700 |
7579 |
34.53 |
1990 |
133600 |
3861 |
34.60 |
1991 |
96100 |
2436 |
39.45 |
1992 |
65500 |
1024 |
63.96 |
1993 |
48500 |
1056 |
45.93 |
1994 |
92200 |
1568 |
58.80 |
1995 |
157800 |
2861 |
55.16 |
1996 |
208300 |
3522 |
59.14 |
1997 |
213200 |
4041 |
52.76 |
1998 |
178200 |
3609 |
49.38 |
1999 |
130800 |
2842 |
46.02 |