Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research - CGIAR
From: The Secretariat
July 1997
CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting
26-30 May 1997
Cairo, Egypt
CGIAR Secretariat · Mailing Address: 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. · Office Location: 701 18th Street, N.W. Tel: (1-202) 473-8951 · Cable Address: INTBAFRAD · Fax: (1-202) 473-8110 · E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
External Review of IPGRI 1
1 Extract from 'Summary of Proceedings and Decisions - Report on Parallel Session II', CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting 1997, Cairo. Egypt.
The external review of IPGRI was discussed in Parallel Session II under the chairmanship of Mr William Dar (the Philippines). Review Panel Chair Calvin Qualset presented the findings and recommendations of the panel. The EPMR reaffirmed IPGRI's role in genetic resources in the CGIAR. Its assessment of the achievements made by the center during the review period was very positive, concluding that IPGRI had been well led in its work. The panel made a number of recommendations for consideration by the board and management.
IPGRI Board Chair Wanda Collins and IPGRI Director General Geoffrey Hawtin expressed appreciation to the panel for its recommendations and indicated the actions that are being planned or which have already been undertaken as part of the center's response to the recommendations.
TAC member Ralph Riley presented TAC's commentary on the panel's report, highlighting TAC's specific observations on the key issues covered.
Members were pleased with the findings on the state of affairs at IPGRI and commended the center for the good progress it has made during the review period. A number of members commented on issues raised, including the following:
· IPGRI's important role as a catalyst and facilitator was fully endorsed; however, the center should complement its outsourced research with in-house research.· IPGRI should develop a capacity for genetic resources policy research, and should develop legal expertise to tackle complex genetic resources policy issues.
· Given the center's mandate, which covers a potentially wide spectrum of activities, its rapid growth in recent years, and the further growth anticipated in the medium-term, IPGRI should pay careful attention to maintaining its focus on priority areas of work.
The EPMR reaffirmed the benefits of integrating INIBAP with IPGRI, Members endorsed the full integration of the INIBAP program and the continuation of the INIBAP support group as an advisory group.
The session chair concluded by pointing out the need to further discuss the issues raised.
Following its review of the EPMR report and the response from the board and management of the center, the Group endorsed the recommendations of IPGRI's EPMR and those in the TAC commentary, and expressed confidence in the capacity of the center to continue playing an important role in the global effort to conserve and utilize plant genetic resources. The Group welcomed the follow-up actions planned by IPGRI's board and management on the issues raised during the review.