Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
355 E. Palace Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87501 · (1-505) 988-1284 · FAX: (1-505) 988-1285 · [email protected]
Donald Winkelmann, Chairman
16 April 1997
Dear Mr. Serageldin,
We are pleased to submit to you the Report of the Fourth External Programme and Management Review of IPGRI, conducted recently by a Panel chaired by Professor Calvin Qualset of the University of California at Davis, USA. The Review Report and the IPGRI's written Response to the Report were considered by TAC at its 72nd Meeting, held in Rome in March 1997. The Panel Chair was present at the meeting, and IPGRI was represented by the Board Chair, Dr. Wanda Collins, the Director General, Dr. Geoffrey Hawtin, and other members of senior management.
In addition to the Report of the Panel, there are two attachments to this letter. The first contains the TAC Commentary, which summarizes TAC's reactions to the Panel's Report and to the Response of IPGRI's Board and management. The second attachment is the Response of IPGRI to the Panel's Report.
In a formal sense this is the first external review of IPGRI as the 1991 review dealt with its predecessor organization, IBPGR. Since then, IPGRI has become a fully independent entity within the CGIAR and has positioned itself well within the international community, established its role as a spokesperson in global fora dealing with plant genetic resources, developed linkages with a myriad of actors engaged in implementing measures aimed at conservation, and has integrated INIBAP within its structure. The Panel's Report takes full cognizance of these achievements.
IPGRI has an important mission to fulfil in genetic resources conservation and in linking conservation and biodiversity to poverty alleviation and protection of the environment for sustainable food security. These are critical roles. With its potentially wide spectrum of activities, further broadened by its rapid recent growth, the Panel notes that framing priorities and maintaining focus will be a continuing challenge for IPGRI. TAC shares the Panel's perception that IPGRI would benefit from a period of consolidation during which its programmes could be given greater focus.
We recommend continued support to IPGRI by the CGIAR. Yours sincerely,
Alexander von der Osten
Executive Secretary, CGIAR
Donald L. Winkelmann
Chair, TAC
Mr. Ismail Serageldin
World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433