Bioversity international


Abbreviations and acronyms

A4NHCGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
ABSAccess and benefit-sharing
ACODERJEAsociación para la Coordinación del Desarrollo Rural de San Juan Ermita
ANMsAuxiliary nurse midwife
APLAbove poverty line
ASEDECHIAsociación de Servicios y Desarrollo Socioeconómico de Chiquimula
ASHAAccredited social healthy activist
ASORECHAsociación Regional Campesina Ch’orti’
ATICOYAAsociación de autoridades indígenas del resguardo Tikuna, Cocama, Yagua
AUNAPAutoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca de Colombia
BEESBarefoot Environment Educators
BMCBiodiversity Management Committee
BPLBelow poverty line
CADERPrograma de Agricultura Familiar y Centros de Aprendizaje para el Desarrollo Rural
CFCChristian Fellowship Church
CFSCommittee on World Food Security
CHINARCentral Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research
CIATInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture
CIFORCenter for International Forestry Research
CINECenter for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment
COAGCommittee on Agriculture
COCODE(S)Consejo(s) Comunitario(s) de Desarrollo Rural
COFICommittee on Fisheries
COFOCommittee on Forestry
COMUNDICHCoordinadora de Asociaciones y Comunidades para el Desarrollo Integral del Pueblo Ch’orti’
CONAPConsejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas
COVAREFComités de Valorisation des Ressources Fauniques
DANEDepartamento Adminstrativo Nacional de Estadística
ENAMEnergía para el Amazonas
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FPICFree, prior and informed consent
GIAHSGlobally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
GPSGlobal positioning system
GTQGuatemalan quetzal
HACCPHazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
ICBFInstituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar
ICDSIntegrated Child Development Scheme
INABInstituto Nacional de Bosques de Guatemala
INRIndian rupee
INSTATInstitut national de la statistique du Mali
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRDFrench National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
ITCZIntertropical convergence zone
KSOKhadar Shnong Organization
LPGLiquefied petroleum gas
MASLMetres above sea level
MDCMembers of Autonomous District Councils
MeECLMeghalaya Electricity Corporation Limited
MEHRDMinistry of Education and Human Resources and Development
MGNREGAMahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
MGNREGSMahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
MHISMeghalaya Health Insurance Scheme
MLAMembers of State Legislative Assembly
MRDSMeghalaya Rural Development Society
NENNorth East Network
NESFASNorth East Slow Food and Agrobiodiversity Society
NGONon-governmental organization
NGTNational Green Tribunal
NIAHSNationally Important Agriculture Heritage System
NORADNorwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
NTFPNon-timber forest product
PAFFECPrograma de Familiar para el Fortalecimiento de la Economia Campesina
PBRPeople’s Biodiversity Register
PDSPublic distribution system
PETPolyethylene terephtalate
PGSParticipatory guarantee system
pHPotential of hydrogen (a figure expressing the acidity or alkalimity of a solution)
PHEPublic Health Engineering Department
PINPEPPrograma de incentivos forestales para poseedores de pequeñas extensiones de tierra de vocación forestal o agroforestal
PKHPastoralist Knowledge Hub
REDD+Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
SDASeventh-day Adventist Church
SHGSelf-help group
SSFSmall-scale fisheries
SIMSANSistema de Información Municipal de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional
TDThematic discussions
TicoyaTikuna-Cocama-Yagua indigenous reserve
TIPThe Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty
UNDRIPUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UNPFIIUnited Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
UREDAUttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency
USDUnited States dollar
VDCVillage Development Committee
VDMCVillage Disaster Management Committee
VECVillage Employment Committee
VGGTVoluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
VHNSCVillage Health Nutrition and Sanitation Committee
VWSCVillage Water Sanitation Committee
XAFCentral African CFA franc