A4NH | CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health |
ABS | Access and benefit-sharing |
ACODERJE | Asociación para la Coordinación del Desarrollo Rural de San Juan Ermita |
ANMs | Auxiliary nurse midwife |
APL | Above poverty line |
ASEDECHI | Asociación de Servicios y Desarrollo Socioeconómico de Chiquimula |
ASHA | Accredited social healthy activist |
ASORECH | Asociación Regional Campesina Ch’orti’ |
ATICOYA | Asociación de autoridades indígenas del resguardo Tikuna, Cocama, Yagua |
AUNAP | Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca de Colombia |
BEES | Barefoot Environment Educators |
BMC | Biodiversity Management Committee |
BPL | Below poverty line |
CADER | Programa de Agricultura Familiar y Centros de Aprendizaje para el Desarrollo Rural |
CFC | Christian Fellowship Church |
CFS | Committee on World Food Security |
CHINAR | Central Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research |
CIAT | International Center for Tropical Agriculture |
CIFOR | Center for International Forestry Research |
CINE | Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment |
COAG | Committee on Agriculture |
COCODE(S) | Consejo(s) Comunitario(s) de Desarrollo Rural |
COFI | Committee on Fisheries |
COFO | Committee on Forestry |
COMUNDICH | Coordinadora de Asociaciones y Comunidades para el Desarrollo Integral del Pueblo Ch’orti’ |
CONAP | Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas |
COVAREF | Comités de Valorisation des Ressources Fauniques |
DANE | Departamento Adminstrativo Nacional de Estadística |
ENAM | Energía para el Amazonas |
EUR | Euro |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
FPIC | Free, prior and informed consent |
GIAHS | Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems |
GPS | Global positioning system |
GTQ | Guatemalan quetzal |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point |
ICBF | Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar |
ICDS | Integrated Child Development Scheme |
INAB | Instituto Nacional de Bosques de Guatemala |
INR | Indian rupee |
INSTAT | Institut national de la statistique du Mali |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IRD | French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development |
ITCZ | Intertropical convergence zone |
KSO | Khadar Shnong Organization |
LPG | Liquefied petroleum gas |
MASL | Metres above sea level |
MDC | Members of Autonomous District Councils |
MeECL | Meghalaya Electricity Corporation Limited |
MEHRD | Ministry of Education and Human Resources and Development |
MGNREGA | Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act |
MGNREGS | Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme |
MHIS | Meghalaya Health Insurance Scheme |
MLA | Members of State Legislative Assembly |
MRDS | Meghalaya Rural Development Society |
NEN | North East Network |
NESFAS | North East Slow Food and Agrobiodiversity Society |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
NGT | National Green Tribunal |
NIAHS | Nationally Important Agriculture Heritage System |
NORAD | Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation |
NTFP | Non-timber forest product |
PAFFEC | Programa de Familiar para el Fortalecimiento de la Economia Campesina |
PBR | People’s Biodiversity Register |
PDS | Public distribution system |
PET | Polyethylene terephtalate |
PGS | Participatory guarantee system |
pH | Potential of hydrogen (a figure expressing the acidity or alkalimity of a solution) |
PHE | Public Health Engineering Department |
PINPEP | Programa de incentivos forestales para poseedores de pequeñas extensiones de tierra de vocación forestal o agroforestal |
PKH | Pastoralist Knowledge Hub |
REDD+ | Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation |
ROS | Rain-on-snow |
SDA | Seventh-day Adventist Church |
SHG | Self-help group |
SSF | Small-scale fisheries |
SIMSAN | Sistema de Información Municipal de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional |
TD | Thematic discussions |
Ticoya | Tikuna-Cocama-Yagua indigenous reserve |
TIP | The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty |
UNDRIP | United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
UNPFII | United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
UREDA | Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency |
USD | United States dollar |
VDC | Village Development Committee |
VDMC | Village Disaster Management Committee |
VEC | Village Employment Committee |
VGGT | Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security |
VHNSC | Village Health Nutrition and Sanitation Committee |
VWSC | Village Water Sanitation Committee |
XAF | Central African CFA franc |