Livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa

Table of Contents






In 1982 the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) established a Livestock Policy Unit (LPU).

The objectives of the LPU are:

1. To heighten the awareness in African governments and in other organizations of the importance of livestock policy issues.

2. To collate in an easily assimilable form what is already known about policy issues and to present it to policy makers.

3. To carry out research of its own (including that commissioned from consultants) on priority livestock policy issues and to present the results to policy makers.

4. To encourage others to carry out similar research and to assist in presenting their results to policy makers.

LPU Working Papers

Staff members and consultants of the LPU write working papers at several stages during their research on a topic. Publication of the final results of research may not occur until several years after the research started. The LPU, therefore, makes its working documents available to anyone requesting them in order to provide access to data and ideas on African livestock policy issues as early as possible to those with a need for them.

This is an LPU working paper. It has not been prepared in accordance with procedures appropriate to formal printed texts, and ILCA accepts no responsibility for errors. Both data and ideas are subject to revision. The views and interpretations in this document are those of the author and should not be attributed to ILCA. ILCA however retains copyright and reserves all other rights.

A list of all LPU working papers is given on the back page of this document, together with the address from which they may be ordered.

This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction

The meaning of rehabilitation
Drought vulnerability and reserves

Chapter 2 - The effects of drought

Effects of drought on the pastoral sector
Effects of drought on the farming sector.
The coincidence of livestock and arable droughts.
The macro-economic impact of drought.

Chapter 3 - Reconstitution and rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of the pastoral sector in the absence of outside intervention.
The reconstitution of the Sahelian livestock sector after the 1968-73 drought
Herders' options for herd reconstitution
The effectiveness of herders' options
Rehabilitation of the farm sector in the absence of outside intervention
Farmers options
How long does it take the farming sector to recover?

Chapter 4 - Comparing the impact of policy measures

Chapter 5 - Examples of policy interventions

Herd reconstitution
Draft power reconstitution
Supplementary feeding of livestock to raise productivity.

Chapter 6 - Conclusions and policy implications



List of abbreviations