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FAO Fisheries Report No. 712 Report and Papers Presented at the Saly-Mbour, Republic of Senegal, 10-13 December 2001 Rapport et documents présentés à
la Saly-Mbour, République du Sénégal, 10-13 décembre 2001 |
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ISBN 92-5-005342-8
ISSN 0429-9337
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Ndenn, J; Teutscher, F.; Diei-Ouadi, Y. (eds.) ABSTRACT The seventh FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa was held in the framework of the Cooperative Research Programme on Fish Technology in Africa coordinated by the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service of FAO's Fishery Industries Division in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Africa. The Consultation was held to review progress and problems in post-harvest fish utilization in Africa and make recommendations to FAO, its member countries and all institutes, institutions and persons interested in fish utilization in Africa. The experts reviewed in particular fresh fish utilization, fish processing, quality assurance, and marketing and socio-economic issues. The review was done through presentation by the secretariat of a report on progress and events since the previous Consultation held in 1996, presentation of 20 papers, abstracts of 10 additional papers, and a field trip to fish landing and processing sites in Mbour and Joal. The report includes the recommendations as well as the papers that were available to the experts. RÉSUMÉ La septième Consultation d'experts FAO sur la technologie du poisson en Afrique a été organisée dans le cadre du Programme de recherches en coopération sur la technologie du poisson en Afrique, qui est coordonné par le Service de la commercialisation et de l'utilisation du poisson de la Division des industries de la pêche de la FAO, en collaboration avec le Bureau régional de la FAO pour l'Afrique. La consultation a été organisée pour passer en revue les progrès et problèmes dans l'utilisation du poisson après capture en Afrique, et faire des recommandations à la FAO, à ses pays membres et tous les instituts, institutions et personnes intéressées par l'utilisation du poisson en Afrique. Les experts ont passé en revue notamment l'utilisation du poisson frais, la transformation du poisson, l'assurance qualité, la commercialisation et les questions socio-économiques. Le passage en revue s'est effectué à travers la présentation par le secrétariat du rapport sur les progrès et évènements depuis la dernière consultation tenue en 1996, des présentations de 20 communications, des résumés de 10 contributions supplémentaires, et une visite de terrain sur les sites de débarquement et de transformation du poisson à Mbour et Joal. Le rapport inclut les recommandations de même que les communications qui étaient à la disposition des experts. |
©FAO 2005
C. PAPERS/DOCUMENTSStudy to explore opportunities for fresh fish marketing from Yeji
by J. S. Apawudza
Adoption and performance of Senegalese ice pirogues in Lake Victoria
by J. Makene
Floating barge for Nile perch landing
by J. Makene
Shelf life of warm and cold water fish: market demands
by Margaret Masette
Étude du fonctionnement et de l'impact des silos à glace au Sénégal
par Oumoulkhaïry NdiayeQuality assurance/Assurance qualitéAmélioration du fumage du poisson à Brazzaville: expérimentation d'un prototype de four amélioré
par Gabriel Ngoma
The technology of hot smoke cured fillets of two indigenous catfish genera: karmout (Clarias lazera) and bayad (Bagrus bayad)
by H.S. Emara, E.K. Moustafa, R.S. Attia, and M.A. El-Sahn
Development of local smoke/dried shrimp for production of Royco bouillon cube
by Kofi Manso Essuman
Use of salt to reduce post-harvest losses of cured fish due to blowfly (Lucilia and Chrysomya spp.) infestation in Kenya
by Nancy K. Gitonga
Le traitement traditionnel du poisson fermenté séché en Mauritanie, le Guedj
par Ahmedou O. Maloum
Assessment of post-harvest losses in the Nigeria fishery: the Kainji lake model
by Andrew A. Eyo and M. Mdaihli
The effect of clove and ginger dip on quality of solar-tent dried (Clarias anguillaris)
by Charles A. Negbenebor, I.S. Adetunji and J.O. Igene
Comparative proximate composition, physical and sensory evaluation of fish smoked with sawdust and firewood using improved Chorkor oven
by Gbola R. Akande, A.A. Ajayi, C. Ogunweno and M.T. Ash
Use of load tracking to obtain statistically valid data for the assessment of post-harvest fish losses: A case study of the transport of smoked fish from Maiduguri to Lagos
by G.R. Akande, A.R. Ward, D. Jeffries and D. Odogbo
Field testing of methodologies for evaluating post-harvest losses in the artisanal fisheries of Dorobaga fishing community and Baga fish market in Maiduguri
by Gbola R. Akande and D. Odogbo
Application of load tracking in the distribution chain of smoked West African sardines Sardinella maderensis: a case study of Magbon-Alade fishing community, Lagos, Nigeria
by Gbola R. Akande
Loss assessment using intervention load tracking
by Gbola R. Akande, D. Jeffries and A.R. Ward
Development and sensory acceptability of crackers made from the bigeye grunt (Brachydeuterus auritus)
by Modupe A. King
A traditional mill for the production of fish cake
by Modupe A. King
Utilité des technologies améliorées pour la production et l'amélioration de la qualité des produits de la transformation artisanale
par Oumoulkhaïry NdiayeEvaluation of heavy metal content in fresh and processed fish from Yeji
by Kofi M. Essuman
Study on fish poisoning in Lake Victoria
by H.D.J. Mrosso and Kenneth Werimo
The effects of the EU ban on Lake Victoria fish exports on Kenyan fisheries
by Nancy K. Gitonga, L. Okal and E. Mutegi
Effect of spice treatment on the quality of hot-smoked mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
by A.I. Ikeme and C.S.Bhandary
Microbiological load along handling and processing chain in the Ugandan portion of Lake Victoria
by Margaret Masette, M. Muganwa, J.F. Nakavuma and I. Wanyenya
Marketing and socio-economic issues/Commercialisation et questions socioéconomiques
Réduction des pertes après capture et amélioration des conditions de vie dans les communautés de pêcheurs artisans de l'agglomération d'Abidjan
par Paul K. Anoh et Ansen R.Ward
Obstacles to the development of small-scale fish trade in West Africa
by Amadou Tall
The Nile perch processing industry in Tanzania: trends, issues and development
by Madard Modesta
Bycatch utilization in Tanzania: legal, institutional and technological requirements
by Yahya I. Mgawe
Technical feasibility and moral aspect of bycatch utilization in sub-Saharan Africa
by Yahya I. Mgawe