
This report was prepared by Tamás Vattai and Nancy Chin, under supervision of Ahmad Mukhtar, and overall guidance of Abdulhakim Elwaer from FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa. Máximo Torero Cullen and José Rosero Moncayo from FAO headquarters provided guidance in terms of structure and content of the report, Olivier Lavagne d’Ortigue provided support for data visualization, Vaishali Bansal, Valentina Conti, Anne Kepple, Olivier Lavagne d’Ortigue, Hernán Muñoz and Firas Yassin from ESS, as well as Trudy Wijnhoven from ESN and Giovanni Carrasco Azzini from ESA, provided valuable comments and inputs. Mariam Hassanien coordinated the publishing process. Angham Abdelmageed provided the layout design.