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Pen Culture Of Shrimp In The Backwaters Of Killai, Tamil Nadu - BOBP/WP/35

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    Pen Culture Of Shrimp In The Backwaters Of Killai, Tamil Nadu - BOBP/WP/32
    A Study Of Techno-Economic And Social Feasibility
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    This report describes the findings and recommendation of a technoeconomic and social feasibility study of shrimp pen culture in the backwaters of Killai, Tamil Nadu. It is based on field surveys in the communities of the region in the latter half of 1983 and on three culture trials at Killai undertaken during an earlier 21-month technical programme conducted by BOBP and the Department of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu. The 21-month progranime showed promise of technical viability on pen culture of shrimp. This study was therefore undertaken to focus on problems relating to social and economic feasibility, and thus help plan future state policy on introducing shrimp pen culture to fisherfolk. The study and the paper resulting from it are activities of the smallscale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The project is funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Authority) and executed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nat ions), and covers five countries bordering the Bay of Bengal — Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The main goals of the project are to develop, demonstrate and promote appropriate technologies and methodologies to improve the conditions of small-scale fisherfolk and to boost supplies of fish from the small sector in member countries. The author of the paper would like to thank Dr. lan R. Smith (Deputy Director-General, ICLARM, Manila), Mr. I. Rajendran and Mr. V.C. Bose (D irectorate of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu), and Dr. M. Karim (BOBP) for their cooperation in the planning and execution of this study.
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    Pen Culture Of Shrimp By Fisherfolk:The BOBP Experience In Killai,Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/WP/49 1987
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    This paper describes a shrimp pen culture pilot activity at KiIIai, Tamil Nadu, India under which selected fishermen operated small-sized shrimp pens, applying a technology package for KilIai conditions devised earlier during 21 months of technical trials by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The paper discusses the project’s socio-economic and technical approach, the problems faced during implementation, the results, and some recommendations for bett er profitability. A BOBP socio-economist and a senior administrative officer of the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Fisheries were responsible for the overall planning, implementation and monitoring. Technical inputs were provided by a BOBP aquaculture technologist. The field team at the project site consisted of two aquaculture technologists (biologists) of the TNDF, while a social worker engaged by BOBP liaised with fisherfolk and the technology team. This is the third paper on the KiIIai p roject. BOBP/WP/35 discussed the findings of 21 months of technical trials during 1982—84, while BOBP/WP/32 discussed a techno-economic end social feasibility study of shrimp pen culture, based on field surveys in the region conducted late 1983, after the technical trials.
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    Fishing Trials With High-Opening Bottom Trawls In Palk Bay, Tamil Nadu - BOBP/WP/10 1980
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    This document is the first report of fishing trials held with high-opening bottom trawls in Palk Bay, off Mandapam in Tamil Nadu, India, during March-July 1980. The trials were conducted jointly by the Bay of Bengal Programme and the Government of Tamil Nadu. The main objective of the trials was to as certain the technical and economic feasibility of using high-opening bottom trawls to tap demersal and pelagic stocks of food fish in the Palk Bay areas, and to train local counterparts in the desi gn, construction and use of these trawls. The Bay of Bengal Programme provided a consultant masterfisherman, Mr. John Crockett, to conduct the trials, under the supervision of Mr. G. Pajot, fishing technologist. On behalf of the Tamil Nadu Government, Mr. S. Pandurangan and Mr. P. V. Ramamurthy served as counterparts.

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