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A distributed architecture for harvesting metadata describing organizations in the agriculture sector

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    Implementation of rich metadata formats and semantic tools using DSpace 2008
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    International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2008), September 22nd-26th, 2008 Berlin (Germany)
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    Scielo articles available to the agricultural community using OAI-PMH in AGRIS AP XML Format 2008
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    This article reports a new way of getting access to SciELO full text journal articles using AGRIS AP XML format to harvest SciELO metadata and to include them into the AGRIS repository. It covers the following main steps of the work carried out: • Selecting about 43 journals with agricultural thematic from the Web site of SciELO; • Defining the methodology for harvesting; • Harvesting legacy data and then doing incremental harvesting for the new data from the selected SciELO journal articles for inclusion in the AGRIS XML repository; • Inclusion of SciELO articles and open access to them through the AGRIS search portal at • Testing and proposals for improvement and future use of this feature. We share the methodology used, problems encountered, and the expected benefit. This work proves that semantically rich metadata for agricultural science and research publications based on the “AGRIS Applic ation Profile” from the SciELO repository can be handled by the OAI-PMH protocol. It shows how the selected subset of metadata created with an ISIS application can be harvested through OAI-PMH protocol, which in turn allows for further creation of additional services by giving greater access and visibility to SciELO data in the new AGRIS AP format compared to the used DC format. The strategy that we adopted was to adapt BIREME’s OAI-PMH plug-in for direct generating of AGRIS AP XML fro m the SciELO application. The existing BIREME OAI-PMH plug-in interface was upgraded to accept and expose metadata using AGRIS AP in addition to the existing DC schema. This approach was elegant but required more time for realization and implementation by BIREME and FAO staff.
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    Towards an architecture for open archive networks in Agricultural Sciences and Technology 2007
    The AGRIS Network is an international initiative based on a collaborative network of institutions, whose aim is to promote free access to information on science and technology in agriculture and related subjects. The paper illustrates how the Open Access (OA) and the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) models can be used within the AGRIS Network as a means of solving the problems of dissemination and exchange of agricultural research outputs. The lack of adequate information exchange possibilities bet ween researchers in agricultural sciences and technology represents a significant weakness limiting their ability to properly address the issues of agricultural development. The OA model promotes the dissemination of research output at international, national and regional levels thus removing the restrictions placed by the traditional scientific publishing model. This paper presents the possibility to address the accessibility, availability and interoperability issues of exchanging agricultural research output.

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