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Wage Inequality in International Perspective: Effects of Location, Sector, and Gender

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Why are women more food insecure than men? Exploring socioeconomic drivers and the role of COVID-19 in widening the global gender gap
    Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems
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    Women face a higher prevalence of food insecurity than do men, both on a global scale and across all regions. This paper delves into the global determinants contributing to the gender gap in food insecurity and explores how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced its trajectory. Additionally, it estimates the impact of improvements in food security and incomes possible if gender gaps on farm productivity and wages were closed. Utilizing data from the Food Insecurity Experience Scale gathered from over 700 000 individuals across 121 countries, this study reveals that individuals aged 25–34 years, irrespective of their gender, and women residing in rural areas have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. The econometric model allows the authors to estimate the elasticities of food security to income, which they then use to simulate the potential macrolevel benefits for the economy and food security if we were to eliminate the gender gaps in farm productivity and wages within agrifood systems. The findings suggest that addressing these disparities could result in an approximate USD 1 trillion increase in global gross domestic product and lift approximately 45 million people out of food insecurity. Additionally, the authors estimate that eliminating these gender disparities could reduce the current gap in food insecurity between women and men by at least 57 percent. This background paper was prepared to inform Chapters 1 and 6 of FAO’s report on The status of women in agrifood systems.
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    Analysing the agrifood sector in Lebanon through the perspective of gender-sensitive value chains
    Concise study
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    This study identifies value chain (VC) opportunities for women cooperatives, associations and individuals by adopting the FAO Gender-Sensitive Value Chain (GSVC) framework of analysis. In addition to the core and extended VC levels, as well as the national and global enabling environment. This framework adds two dimensions to be analyzed which are the individual and household levels, the areas in which gender inequalities frequently start from. Therefore, adding these two levels of analysis facilitates the systematic integration of gender equality into VC development programmes and projects. In addition to experts for each sub-sector, namely plant production, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, animal production and agro-processing, this study included a gender consultant who played a major role in the different phases of the study. These included preparing and giving workshops to the sub-sector experts prior to the literature review and analysis, aligning their work within a gender framework, in addition to participating in the data collection phase, where the consultant revised the data collection tools prepared by the sub-sector experts for the Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Survey and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and attended the majority of the KIIs. The consultant additionally revised the analysis of each sub-sector, included a gender assessment and assisted in the study’s reporting.
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    Policy brief
    Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector 2022
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    About 600 million of the world’s poorest households keep livestock as an essential source of income and food production to manage risk, store wealth and build up assets. However, women face several constraints to ownership and decision-making power in the sector. Scaling up culturally acceptable and locally available solutions requires government intervention through intentional policies that can empower women. Further, more funds should be allocated to replicate successful gender-responsive and transformative projects and identify entry points to mainstream gender considerations into livestock policies. This brief showcases promising research and innovation, particularly from countries engaged through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 149 project. India and Botswana are highlighted as examples to inform policymakers and guide gender-responsive, climate-smart investments and policies in countries’ livestock sectors. This brief is part of a series. Other briefs on climate-smart agriculture, agrifood value chains, and aquaculture and fisheries are available.

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