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Large Agricultural Investments and Inclusion of Small Farmers: Lessons of Case Studies in 7 Countries

Land Tenure Working Paper 23

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    Large Agricultural Investments and Inclusion of Small Farmers: Lessons of Case Studies in 7 Countries
    Executive Summary
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    In order to check and promote the positive synergies between private companies and rural households, an analysis of past and ongoing experiences of contract farming is required. It represents the main objective of this report. The objectives of this study are to: describe the effects of contract farming schemes, characterize the factors limiting or promoting these various impacts, identify key findings to promote the emergence of positive synergies. The study’ considers a long-term time scale (10 to 50 years) and pays particular attention to changes in agricultural farming, production systems, access to markets and governance patterns of value chains. The study also analyzes how crops initially introduced thanks to contract farming schemes develop “off contract” and induce new value chain. The study focuses on seven countries - Ivory Coast, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, South-Africa, Laos and Indonesia – and major commodities such as: oil palm, rubber tree, fruits and vegetables, cere als, cotton and sugar cane. It is organized into 4 sections: i) the contract schemes, ii) the effects of these schemes, iii) the factors determining the nature and intensity of these effects and iv) key findings to promote positive synergies. Case studies are briefly presented in the appendix.
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    Grands investissements agricoles et inclusion des petits producteurs : leçons d'expériences dans 7 pays du sud
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
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    Les appropriations foncières à grande échelle dans les pays du Sud ont ravivé les débats sur la gouvernance foncière et les modèles de développement du secteur agricole. L’étude examine les effets des grands investissements agricoles dans le cadre de l’agriculture sous contrat (contract farming), et dans une perspective de long terme (10 à 50 ans). Elle se base sur des études de cas conduites dans sept pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et sur quelques filières de production : palmier à huile, hévéa, frui ts et légumes, céréales, coton, canne à sucre.
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    Agricultural Finance Africa – Coaching programme guidance notes 2021
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    The coaching programme was launched in 2017 by Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance (CABFIN), a partnership comprising FAO, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the World Bank and the World Food Programme (WFP). Two initial pilot programmes – a national pilot in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and a regional pilot in West Africa – included the participation of eight financial service providers This guide aims to share the experience accumulated by FAO and ADA from 2017 to 2021 during the implementation of the programme. It is intended for donors, development organizations, FSPs and other private or public stakeholders wishing to bring about a lasting improvement in smallholder farmers’ access to funding in agricultural value chains.

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