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Las grandes inversiones agrícolas y la inclusión de los pequeños productores: lecciones de estudios de casos en siete países.

Land Tenure Working Paper 23

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    Grands investissements agricoles et inclusion des petits producteurs : leçons d'expériences dans 7 pays du sud
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
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    Les appropriations foncières à grande échelle dans les pays du Sud ont ravivé les débats sur la gouvernance foncière et les modèles de développement du secteur agricole. L’étude examine les effets des grands investissements agricoles dans le cadre de l’agriculture sous contrat (contract farming), et dans une perspective de long terme (10 à 50 ans). Elle se base sur des études de cas conduites dans sept pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et sur quelques filières de production : palmier à huile, hévéa, frui ts et légumes, céréales, coton, canne à sucre.
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    Large Agricultural Investments and Inclusion of Small Farmers: Lessons of Case Studies in 7 Countries
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
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    Large scale land acquisitions in southern countries have stimulated new debates on land governance and agricultural development models. This study examines the impacts of large investments associated to contract farming in a long-term time perspective (10 to 50 years). It is based on case studies in seven countries in Africa and Asia and on a few major commodities such as: oil palm, rubber tree, fruits and vegetables, cereals, cotton and sugar cane. Executive summary available in English. Full text in French.
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    Terminal Report - Improving the Political and Istitutional Environment for the Development of Inland Fisheries Co-management Systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
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    Small-scale fresh-water fisheries in West Africa developed significantly following the construction of several hydro-electric dams on the major rivers. In Ghana, the huge Akossombo dam, and the associated Lake Volta, covering 9,344 km² (4% of the national territory), was filled in 1964. In Côte d’Ivoire, several hydro-electric dams have been built : Kossou in 1971 gave rise to a 900 km² lake. In 1980, Mali built the Sélingué dam which flooded a 409 km² area. Finally, Burkina Faso const ructed two dams in 1988 and 1992, giving rise to Lakes Kompienga (210 km²) and Bagré (250 km²) respectively. The construction of these dams weakened the social and economic fabric of the riparian communities, causing large-scale displacement and resettlement on new sites, and the destruction of plantations, forests and goods. The main aim of the dams is to produce electricity. However, an irrigated rice and market garden crop production programme has benefited from Lakes Sélingué and Bagré. The fishing activities, which developed later, radically changed the ethnosociological configuration of the lake areas. SFLP
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    Grands investissements agricoles et inclusion des petits producteurs : leçons d'expériences dans 7 pays du sud
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
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    Les appropriations foncières à grande échelle dans les pays du Sud ont ravivé les débats sur la gouvernance foncière et les modèles de développement du secteur agricole. L’étude examine les effets des grands investissements agricoles dans le cadre de l’agriculture sous contrat (contract farming), et dans une perspective de long terme (10 à 50 ans). Elle se base sur des études de cas conduites dans sept pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et sur quelques filières de production : palmier à huile, hévéa, frui ts et légumes, céréales, coton, canne à sucre.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Large Agricultural Investments and Inclusion of Small Farmers: Lessons of Case Studies in 7 Countries
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
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    Large scale land acquisitions in southern countries have stimulated new debates on land governance and agricultural development models. This study examines the impacts of large investments associated to contract farming in a long-term time perspective (10 to 50 years). It is based on case studies in seven countries in Africa and Asia and on a few major commodities such as: oil palm, rubber tree, fruits and vegetables, cereals, cotton and sugar cane. Executive summary available in English. Full text in French.
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    Terminal Report - Improving the Political and Istitutional Environment for the Development of Inland Fisheries Co-management Systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
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    Small-scale fresh-water fisheries in West Africa developed significantly following the construction of several hydro-electric dams on the major rivers. In Ghana, the huge Akossombo dam, and the associated Lake Volta, covering 9,344 km² (4% of the national territory), was filled in 1964. In Côte d’Ivoire, several hydro-electric dams have been built : Kossou in 1971 gave rise to a 900 km² lake. In 1980, Mali built the Sélingué dam which flooded a 409 km² area. Finally, Burkina Faso const ructed two dams in 1988 and 1992, giving rise to Lakes Kompienga (210 km²) and Bagré (250 km²) respectively. The construction of these dams weakened the social and economic fabric of the riparian communities, causing large-scale displacement and resettlement on new sites, and the destruction of plantations, forests and goods. The main aim of the dams is to produce electricity. However, an irrigated rice and market garden crop production programme has benefited from Lakes Sélingué and Bagré. The fishing activities, which developed later, radically changed the ethnosociological configuration of the lake areas. SFLP
  • Thumbnail Image
    Grands investissements agricoles et inclusion des petits producteurs : leçons d'expériences dans 7 pays du sud
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
    Also available in:

    Les appropriations foncières à grande échelle dans les pays du Sud ont ravivé les débats sur la gouvernance foncière et les modèles de développement du secteur agricole. L’étude examine les effets des grands investissements agricoles dans le cadre de l’agriculture sous contrat (contract farming), et dans une perspective de long terme (10 à 50 ans). Elle se base sur des études de cas conduites dans sept pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et sur quelques filières de production : palmier à huile, hévéa, frui ts et légumes, céréales, coton, canne à sucre.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Large Agricultural Investments and Inclusion of Small Farmers: Lessons of Case Studies in 7 Countries
    Land Tenure Working Paper 23
    Also available in:

    Large scale land acquisitions in southern countries have stimulated new debates on land governance and agricultural development models. This study examines the impacts of large investments associated to contract farming in a long-term time perspective (10 to 50 years). It is based on case studies in seven countries in Africa and Asia and on a few major commodities such as: oil palm, rubber tree, fruits and vegetables, cereals, cotton and sugar cane. Executive summary available in English. Full text in French.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Terminal Report - Improving the Political and Istitutional Environment for the Development of Inland Fisheries Co-management Systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
    Also available in:

    Small-scale fresh-water fisheries in West Africa developed significantly following the construction of several hydro-electric dams on the major rivers. In Ghana, the huge Akossombo dam, and the associated Lake Volta, covering 9,344 km² (4% of the national territory), was filled in 1964. In Côte d’Ivoire, several hydro-electric dams have been built : Kossou in 1971 gave rise to a 900 km² lake. In 1980, Mali built the Sélingué dam which flooded a 409 km² area. Finally, Burkina Faso const ructed two dams in 1988 and 1992, giving rise to Lakes Kompienga (210 km²) and Bagré (250 km²) respectively. The construction of these dams weakened the social and economic fabric of the riparian communities, causing large-scale displacement and resettlement on new sites, and the destruction of plantations, forests and goods. The main aim of the dams is to produce electricity. However, an irrigated rice and market garden crop production programme has benefited from Lakes Sélingué and Bagré. The fishing activities, which developed later, radically changed the ethnosociological configuration of the lake areas. SFLP

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