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Genetic resources and genomics for adaptation of livestock to climate change

Boettcher PJ, Hoffmann I, Baumung R, Drucker AG, McManus C, Berg P, Stella A, Nilsen LB, Moran D, Naves M and Thompson MC (2015) Genetic resources and genomics for adaptation of livestock to climate change. Front. Genet5:461. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00461

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    Sufficient genetic variation in livestock populations is necessary both for adaptation to future changes in climate and consumer demand, and for continual genetic improvement of economically important traits. Unfortunately, the current trend is for reduced genetic variation, both within and across breeds. The latter occurs primarily through the loss of small, local breeds. Inferior production is a key driver for loss of small breeds, as they are replaced by high-output international transboundar y breeds. Selection to improve productivity of small local breeds is therefore critical for their long term survival. The objective of this paper is to review the technology options available for the genetic improvement of small local breeds and discuss their feasibility. Most technologies have been developed for the high-input breeds and consequently are more favorably applied in that context. Nevertheless, their application in local breeds is not precluded and can yield significant benefits, e specially when multiple technologies are applied in close collaboration with farmers and breeders. Breeding strategies that require cooperation and centralized decision-making, such as optimal contribution selection, may in fact be more easily implemented in small breeds.
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    As the pace of climate change is increasing, it is more important than ever to conserve, characterize and sustainably use genetic resources for food and griculture. Over millennia farmers, livestock keepers, fisherfolk and forest dwellers have adapted their production systems to changing environmental conditions, relying on genetic resources for food and agriculture. However, these resources are still not receiving the attention they deserve given their enormous importance. The main focus of this study is the state of current use of genetic resources in climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Each chapter explores the impacts of climate change on genetic resources and also considers the significance of genetic resources to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

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