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GLOBAL: Improving land and resource governance and strengthening property rights for all members of society, especially women

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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project “Creating peaceful societies through women’s improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone”
    Project code: UNJP/SIL/050/PBF
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    This report presents the results of the evaluation of the project “Creating peaceful societies through women’s improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone” (UNJP/SIL/050/PBF), jointly implemented by FAO and ILO between 2019 and 2020. The project aimed at addressing the two underlying causes of conflicts in Sierra Leone - gender discrimination and fragmented land governance - by focusing on: i) more effective and gender-inclusive land tenure governance; and ii) women’s economic empowerment through skills, knowledge, gender-sensitive financial services and organizational capacity.The project was clearly appropriate and strategic to the main peacebuilding goals and challenges in Sierra Leone. It was also clear that the project has successfully created a momentum for women and their communities at large to more confidently address conflict issues in the future. Women’s participation in design and management of income-generating economic activities was particularly successful.The evaluation makes a number of recommendations, including a follow-up of the livelihood component. Scale-up and sustainability should be the next steps for widespread mapping of family-owned lands. Providing a lighter version of the mapping software (SOLA) would help in this regard, and it could also sustain mapping at the community level after project closure.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Children and women's rights to property and inheritance in Mozambique
    Elements for an effective intervention strategy
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    Women and childrens' insecure rights to property and inheritance in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is not a new issue. The extended family support systems that used to function as social safety nets for widows and orphaned children have weakened as a consequence of societal changes such as economic development, migration and urbanization. This situation has clearly been exacerbated by the AIDS epidemic. Though prevalence is starting to level off, or even decline, in several high preva lence countries, this comes after years of increasing prevalence. In Mozambique, 2007 prevalence was 12.5 percent, an increase from 10.3 percent in 2001. Increasing mortality due to HIV leads to growing numbers of widows (and widowers) and orphans and can amplify the challenges women and children already face in securing their rights to property and inheritance. The main objective of this report is to propose possible entry points for interventions, key messages and activities to lay down the basis for a strategy to secure women and children’s rights to inheritance and property. Its intended audience are government institutions, national and international NGOs and communitybased organizations that could intervene in different areas of work, based on their specific mandates and capacities.

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