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Are African high-value horticulture supply chains bearers of gender inequality?

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    Horticulture value chain analysis
    Opportunities for youth employment in Rwanda
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    This youth-sensitive value chain assessment aims to create a deeper understanding of where the opportunities for youth employment are in horticultural value chains in Rwanda and how these opportunities can be harnessed. The study also proposes recommendations for a youth employment strategy, presenting opportunities for employment creation at scale as well as short-, medium- and long-term strategies.
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    Gender and food loss in sustainable fish value chains in Africa 2022
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    Food losses are a major concern and occur in most fish distribution chains worldwide. Not only do losses constitute lost income to fishers, processors, and traders, but they also contribute to food insecurity. Progress has been made in identifying the direct causes of fish losses and quantifying the magnitude of the loss. However, loss reduction strategies have tended to focus on technological solutions and hence have overlooked the relevance of socio-economic factors, including gender relations, that influence the functioning of the fisheries value chain. This document provides guidance on integrating gender concerns into food loss interventions within the fish value chains. It describes the different steps to understand the key components of a gender-sensitive food loss value chain analysis. In particular, it recommends highlighting the dynamics and factors that influence women’s and men’s natural social disposition and participation in fisheries activities according to dominant assigned gender roles. While addressing the existing knowledge gaps and contributing to the development of an approach tailored to African small-scale fish value chains, this document also provides introductory information on the application of the FAO Gender-Responsive Fish Loss Assessment Methodology (GRFLAM).
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    Gender and youth inclusion strategy and action plan: mainstreaming gender perspectives and youth inclusion in the cocoa, vanilla and fisheries value chains
    Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)
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    This document presents in detail the rationale and analysise of current general context in Papua New Guinea that based on, the FAO-led EU-STREIT PNG Programme developd its the Gender and Youth Inclusion Strategy. The document also explians the porpuse, goals, target groups and programmetic approach adopted by this FAO-led Programme in Ppaua New Guinea to assess and examine the women and youth situations, involvment and restrictions along all nodes of three cocoa, vanilla and fisheries vlaue chains in the country. It also presenst the Programme's recommendations on how to 1) mainstream gender perspective as detrimants of quality, 2) confront gender differences in labour dynamics, 3) improve gender sensitivity of key support services, and 4) address systemic barriers affecting value chain performances. This Publications also shares in details the crafted acion plan to progress towards the mentioned goals.

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