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Добре пољопривредне праксе и технологијe за ублажавање дејства природних непогода у производњи уљане репице у Србији

Marjanovic Jeromela, A., Prodanovic, S. 2021. Добре пољопривредне праксе и технологије за ублажавање дејства природних непогода у производњи уљане репице у Србији. Рим, ФАО. 

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    Good agricultural practices and technologies to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters in oilseed rape production in Serbia 2021
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    Natural disasters, such as droughts, extreme temperature fluctuations, floods, and stormy winds, have gradually intensified in the past years. It is expected, due to climate change, that these disasters will become more frequent and pronounced. According to the Second Biennial Updated Report and the Third National Communication of the Republic of Serbia submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2019, the Republic of Serbia is among the most endangered European countries in terms of natural disasters and climate change. Agriculture is one of the sectors most dependent on climate so is very sensitive to variation in environmental conditions and climate change. Agriculture activities and the people depending on this sector can be significantly affected by climate change. Thus, the Republic of Serbia’s economy is affected since the agriculture sector greatly contributes to gross domestic product (GDP) and provides employment to many rural people. The Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) wants to increase the readiness of oilseed rape producers and other agricultural producers to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters and climate change
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    Добре пољопривредне праксе и технологије за ублажавање дејства природних непогода у производњи пшенице у Србији 2021
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    Природне непогоде, као што су суше екстремна колебања температуре, поплаве и олујни ветрови, постепено се повећавају последњих неколико година. Са климатским променама, очекује се да ће ове непогоде бити све чешће и израженије. Према Другом двогодишњем ажурираном извештају и Трећем националном саопштењу Републике Србије UNFCCC (2019), Република Србија је међу европским земљама најугроженијим у погледу природних катастрофа и климатских промена. Пољопривреда је један од сектора који највише зависе од климе и врло је осетљива на климатска варирања и промене. Активности у пољопривреди и људи који зависе од овог сектора могу бити значајно погођени климатским променама, а тиме и економија Републике Србије, будући да овај сектор у великој мери доприноси бруто домаћем производу (БДП) и обезбеђује запослење великом броју људи. Министарство пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде Србије (МПШВ) жели да повећа спремност произвођача пшенице и других пољопривредних произвођача за сузбијање ефеката природних катастрофа и климатских промена.
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    Good cropping practices and technologies to reduce the impact of natural hazards on maize production in Serbia 2021
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    The Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MARW) is keen to increase the preparedness of maize producers to counteract the effects of natural hazards. Therefore, MARW has requested FAO to facilitate the writing of a technical guideline on good practices and technologies to reduce the impact of natural hazards. A workshop brought Serbian experts together to discuss the current knowledge on the impact of natural hazards on maize production in Serbia, and identify good practices and innovative technologies that could help to reduce the impacts of natural hazards. With climate change, it is expected that natural hazards, such as floods, droughts, storms, will increase in frequency and severity. Agriculture is one of the most climate sensitive sectors. Natural hazards may cause yield reductions or even total crop failure. In this brochure are described good agricultural practices and technologies to reduce the impact of natural hazards in maize production in Serbia, related to crop rotation, soil tillage, vertical tillage, mulching, growing cover crops, variety selection, sowing, inter-cropping, fertilization, weed and pest control, irrigation/drainage and harvesting. The brochure is intended for maize producers, ministries and entities of the Republic of Serbia, civil society, researchers/academics, agricultural extention services, and agricultural organizations. The brochure has been developed as one of the outputs of the FAO project ‘Enhancement of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) capacities and mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) practices into the Agricultural Sector in the Western Balkans’ (TCP/RER/3504).

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