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Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2

Aquaculture promotion and Blue Growth

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FAO. 2021. Evaluation of FAO's contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Aquaculture promotion and Blue Growth. Rome.

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    Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2
    Support to agricultural investment
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    Agricultural investment is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2). This study – part of the evaluation of the role of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in supporting SDG 2 – examines the FAO Investment Centre’s role in promoting agricultural investment in Africa, focusing on investment programme design and implementation. The study finds that despite an increase in lending, international financial institutions have less and less capacity to prepare and supervise ever more complex operations and are particularly short of in-country capacity. This makes it difficult to contextualize interventions for sustainability and results. In-country specialists who understand and have experience of working with farmers are therefore needed, making the Investment Centre a critical resource. Notwithstanding recent infusions of support, however, it remains understaffed and underfunded. As far as the Investment Centre’s 2018 cooperative agreement with the African Development Bank is concerned, the study finds that while the Centre has undertaken some work under the agreement, financial and political constraints may be why it has not yet gained significant programmatic traction. It also finds that the Centre’s World Bank partnership is strong, but faces a number of challenges. The Investment Centre is working with the Office of FAO’s Chief Economist to develop a programme of engagement, which will give World Bank country managers the data they need to make informed decisions on agricultural investment. The study also calls for greater FAO senior management and country office support in FAO’s interactions with the World Bank.
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    Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2
    Rural women’s empowerment
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    Many of those being left behind are women and girls, who face the compounded effects of gender-based and other forms of discrimination. They have limited access to productive resources, services, institutions and economic opportunities, such as education, healthcare, clean water and decent work. This review assesses three of FAO’s many rural women’s empowerment approaches and practices for their contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2, zero hunger) – Dimitra Clubs, gender-sensitive value chains and the Joint Programme on Accelerating Progress Towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women (JP RWEE). It finds that FAO’s investment in rural women’s empowerment makes a strong contribution to the SDGs in general and SDG 2 more specifically, leading to increased production, higher incomes and better nutrition. Women’s empowerment also contributes to SDG 5 by working to eliminate all forms of violence, boost the participation of women in leadership and reduce women’s work burden. However, it is a challenge for FAO to take gender mainstreaming fully on board, as it has constrained capacity for gender analysis and mainstreaming efforts. The gender team also has limited personnel, so cannot be responsible for all mainstreaming work. The study recommends that FAO step up its efforts to institutionalize approaches that are gender transformative to achieve impact at scale. Moreover, gender mainstreaming should be owned by the entire Organization, not just the Gender Unit. For this to happen, FAO leadership must support this agenda and champion a more systematic way of integrating gender.
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    Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2
    Legal and parliamentarian work on food and nutrition security
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    Meeting the SDG 2 targets to eradicate hunger and malnutrition requires transformational change to policy, legislation and institutional frameworks. Parliaments, therefore, have a vital role to play in establishing the legislative and institutional frameworks needed to foster legislation that will spur policy on and investment in agriculture, food systems and nutrition. This review provides a critical analysis of how FAO’s legal and parliamentarian work on food and nutrition security (FNS) is enhancing its efforts to support countries in achieving the SDG 2 goals. FAO has been working with national and regional parliamentarians to promote participatory processes that formulate and enact laws on FNS. It has promoted the creation of Parliamentary Fronts Against Hunger, putting the Right to Food high on the political agenda. FAO has taken a twopronged approach to its work: i) supporting the formulation of framework FNS laws that legislate for several sectors more generally and ii) supporting specific sectoral legislation to address certain aspects in more detail. Thus, FAO’s legislative work is not only linked to SDG 2, but has positive ramification for other SDGs. The review recommends that FAO strengthen its legal and parliamentary capacity with additional financial resources and qualified personnel. It also suggests that FAO could do more to support the monitoring and implementation of laws and policies, become more involved in the process of regulation, as well as in the communication and dissemination of laws and policies, and become more involved in establishing observatories to monitor progress on the Right to Food and FNS.

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