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Carbon pool analysis of standing trees in urban parks in Jabalpur city of Madhya Pradesh

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Quantifying the stress on trees along the urban - rural gradient in the garden city of Bengaluru, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Our study is focused on quantifying various stress parameters experienced by trees in urban environment when compared to trees in transition and rural plots, since they are constantly exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. For the study, 23 plots were selected in northern and 25 plots in southern transect of Bengaluru city in which trees with dbh ≥ 10 cms were taken for study. Plots of one ha each were classified as urban, transition and rural based on the percentage of tree cover and built-up. The variables considered were as follows: Crown shape, Crown density, Crown symmetry, Tree access, Tree stand, Tree permat and on visual observation tree health conditions were also noted.
    Along the Northern transect, crown shape of the trees were classified under paraboloid and vertical ellipsoid. Majority of the tree were classified under medium (40% -80%) and sparse (0% -40%) crown. Most of the tree had non-symmetric crowns. The ratio of street trees and private / garden trees almost remained equal between the categories towards the urban domain. Based on delineation of tree crowns on satellite image, maximum no of trees were found solitary. In the rural plots, utmost trees were planted in bare soil. Gradually, the trees were found with non-permeable pavement towards the transition and urban plots. On visual analysis, dead declining trees were also found in all zones.
    Along the Southern transect, crown shape was classified under paraboloid and upside down paraboloid. Most of the trees were classified under dense (80% -100%) and sparse (0% -40%) crown. Most of the tree had non-symmetric crowns. Irrespective of the domain, most of the trees were found on the private / farm land and they were found solitary. On visual analysis, maximum trees were classified under healthy tree with whole or partial crown visible, but dead and declining trees were found in all domains. Keywords: Landscape management, Monitoring and data collection, research ID: 3481267
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    Tiger occupancy in Ratapani landscape: What is the reason behind tiger presence in proximity of capital Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India?
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Bhopal city (AIPC 2011- 1,798,218) capital of Madhya Pradesh state, India situated in fertile plain of Malwa Plateau in vicinity of the Vindhyan ranges. The total studied forest area was around 4620.84 sq. km of Vindhyan landscape. Working plan of Bhopal circle 1983-98 clearly stated about 19 tiger's presence (1980 WL census). SFRI, Jabalpur estimated 9 tigers after the 35 years based on camera trap in 2016 acknowledge the presence of historical tiger population in proximity of Bhopal. Tiger occupancy survey was performed from Dec 2018 to Apr 2019 to estimate the overall occupancy rate Ψ on presence software version 13.6. The occupancy survey across the study area of a total 5312 (, segment distribution was 83 grid cells (size 64 The detected tiger sign in 49 out of 83 grid cells was confirmed, which yielded naïve occupancy of 0.5904. The tiger occupied estimated potential tiger habitat is 70.83% of the total study area, or an area of 3762.48 (SE=482.34) out of 5312( Ratapani-Kheoni Landscape. In contrast, a naïve estimate derived from the traditional 'presence-versus-absence' approach is only 3136.20 and underestimated true occupancy by 59.04%. The best-fitted model is Hines model under which ψ (Cattle+Ruggedness),θ(.),θ'(.), pt (Nilgai+Water) model has shown the lowest AIC (value-1144.59) among 44 models. The model-specific β(beta) Coefficient estimate for covariates determining the Tiger occupancy in Ratapani-Kheoni landscape is tiger β0(SE*β0+)- 0.52(0.61). The rugged terrain, abundant perennial water availability and Nilgai/Cattle presence were influencing historical tiger population in proximity of Bhopal by occupancy modelling. Keywords: Ratapani-Kheoni Landscape (RKL), Tiger Conservation, Critical Tiger Habitat, naïve Occupancy, Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). ID: 3486773
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    Tree diversity, stand structure and community composition of tropical forests in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary of Jharkhand, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Species diversity and density of trees were assessed in forests of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary of Jharkhand comprising mostly of tropical deciduous forests. We compared tree community characteristics like stem density, basal area, diversity index, Beta(β diversity), Girth class, Canopy height class and species composition of tree species in all three zones ( Altitude between 199 -603m) in the study area. A total of 41 tree species of 25 families, 71 genera, and 95 species were recorded. Gramineae (10) family is most represented followed by Euphorbiaceae(6). It was noticed that the tree density varied from 30.64 to 62.51. The maximum basal area contributed by Terminalia belerica(1.323 m2ha-1) followed by Albezzia stipulate(1.145 m2ha-1). Shannon Weiner index (H’) ranged from 3.073 to 3.997 and species richness index ranged from 1.05 to 1.20. Beta diversity of tree species varied from 2.32 to 3.80. The highest number of tree species was occurred in girth class of 61 – 80 cm in all three zones. At present the biodiversity of these forests are under threat due to the anthropogenic and illegal interference of outside people for cutting of furniture tree species. The present study will help us to understand the patterns of tree species composition and diversity in the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, of India. Keywords; Species diversity, Beta diversity, Basal area, Girth class, Canopy height and Species composition. ID: 3469677

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