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Promoting sustainable land management through evidence-based decision support

A guide with country insights

Harari, N., Mekdaschi Studer, R., Bastidas Fegan, S., Schlingloff, S. & Bres, A. 2023. Promoting sustainable land management through evidence-based decision support – A guide with country insights. Rome, FAO.

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    The project has helped to improve partnerships between national statistics offices, ministries of agriculture, and other stakeholders with expertise in the relevant new technologies, including GIS experts and departments in other ministries, academic institutions, and international and regional organizations. The project has complemented other projects and programmes involved in building capacity regarding the SDG indicators through the use of the cost-effective methods introduced. Integrating Big Data with traditional survey and census data has also enabled users to analyse and monitor, inter alia, the impact of natural disasters on different types of farmers and the effects of climate change on female-headed agriculture households.
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    Technical report, GCP/GLO/337/GEF
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    This report summarizes the main findings from the project implementation by applying DSF which integrates land degradation assessments, SLM implementation, SLM mainstreaming and scaling-out and knowledge management for informed decision-making at local, subnational and national levels. The results of the project as well as the Mainstreaming Strategy developed can serve as a guide for decision-makers in developing landscape interventions as well as programmes on natural resources management that will build the resilience of communities.
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    Promoting Evidence-Based Mainstreaming and Adoption of Sustainable Land Management Practices - GCP/GLO/337/GFF 2021
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    Land degradation affects a considerable amount of agricultural area around the world, with nearly 2 billion ha estimated to be seriously degraded, in some cases, irreversibly so. Critically, land degradation reduces productivity and food security, disrupts vital ecosystem functions, negatively affects biodiversity and water resources, and increases carbon emissions and vulnerability to climate change. Despite this, there is limited documentation and evidence of the range of benefits generated by sustainable land management (SLM) practices across farming systems, which are ultimately necessary for convincing decision makers to invest in these measures. Using a collaborative approach involving FAO, the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) and selected partners in the 15 participating countries (Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan), this GEF funded project focused on better understanding land degradation status, drivers and threats, and creating decision support tools for combatting desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) and promoting SLM.

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