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Code of practice for fish and fishery products

second edition

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    Book (series)
    Code d'usages pour les poissons et les produits de la pêche
    Deuxième édition
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    Le Code d’usages pour les poissons et les produits de la pêche s’adresse à tous les professionnels de la manipulation, la production, l’entreposage, la distribution, l’exportation, l’importation et la vente de poissons et de produits de la pêche. Ce code a pour objet de garantir des produits sains et salubres qui peuvent être vendus sur les marchés nationaux et internationaux et qui répondent aux exigences des normes Codex. Toutes les normes individuelles en relation avec les p oissons et les produits de la pêche ainsi que d’autres normes relatives en particulier à l’hygiène telles que les Directives sur l’application des principes généraux en matière d’hygiène sur la maîtrise de Vibrio spp. dans les fruits de mer et l’application des principes généraux d’hygiène alimentaire à la maîtrise des virus dans les aliments (Annexe sur la maîtrise du virus de l'hépatite A (VHA) et les norovirus (NoV) chez les mollusques bivalves) se trouvent dans le site we b du Codex. La réalisation de ce code et d’un certain nombre d’annexes est en cours d’élaboration. Cette deuxième édition imprimée contient les révisions du texte adoptées par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius jusqu’en 2011.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    EMPRES Food Safety - Prevention and control of Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) and Norovirus (NoV) in ready-to-eat semi-dried products
    Lessons Learned Series, No. 1 – July 2011
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    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Norovirus (NoV) have been currently recognized as the most common causes of foodborne diseases in developed countries, linked to contamination of the following three priority food groups: fresh produce, seafood and ready-to-eat foods. The joint Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) have aimed at providing guidance on the issue of viruses in food. The Codex Alimentar ius Commission is currently drafting guidelines on general hygienic practices for the aforementioned priority food groups. Ready-to-eat semi-dried products (e.g., sun-dried tomatoes, dates, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) may fall between the categories of fresh products and readyto- eat products. For they are often subject to further preparation and processing before packaging. While production practices vary among different dried products, and there is a lack of information on human pathogenic virus uptake via the roots of edible plants, the document focuses on the factory-level postharvest process.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Technical guidance for the development of the growing area aspects of Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation Programmes
    Food Safety and Quality Series No. 5
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    International trade has been the main driving factor for the rapid growth of the bivalve mollusc production industry during the last six decades, growing from nearly one million tonnes in 1950 to 16.1 million tonnes in 2015. In recognition of the extensive trade of this commodity, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has developed a Standard for Live and Raw Bivalve Molluscs as well as guidance in the Codex Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products on the steps needed to be taken at all stages of the food chain in order to produce a product that meets the Codex Standard. However, to facilitate implementation of the Codex guidance, countries identified the need for more information on how to implement Codex guidance in their specific context and specifically how to establish and monitor a bivalve mollusc growing area. This FAO/WHO Technical Guidance for the Development of the Growing Area Aspects of Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation Programmes aims to address that need. The focus of the guidance is the primary production of molluscs for consumption as live or raw bivalves and in particular how to manage microbiological hazards at this stage. Acknowledging that managing chemical hazards, toxin phytoplankton, and biotoxins also presents big challenges, reference has also been provided to relevant Codex standards and other international guidance. The guidance was developed from a technical and scientific perspective and using a risk-based approach. It has been driven by the intent and experience of existing programmes, rather than the details of these programmes, and in line with the requirements of the Codex Code of Practice. The guidance is primarily aimed at the authorities responsible for the development, implementation, and application of a bivalve mollusc sanitation programme, while highlighting the collaboration and agreements required between different partners including local authorities, regulatory agencies, and laboratories to implement such a programme.

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