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Contribution of the Forestry Sector to National Economies, 1990-2011

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    Trends and current status of the contribution of the forestry sector to national economies 2004
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    This paper presents information about the contribution of the forestry sector to national economies at the global, regional and country levels. The paper presents figures for total employment, value-added and export earnings in the sector from 1990 to 2000, as well as information about trends in productivity. The figures include a mixture of statistics taken from published sources and FAO estimates. Unfortunately, statistics are not available for many countries or for activities in the informal sector, so these figures must be treated with some caution. However, the figures probably give a reasonable indication of the importance of the sector at the global and regional level and highlight broad changes over time. They also show some of the main differences in the structure of the sector between different countries and regions.
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    Book (series)
    Forest sector contribution to national economies 2015
    The direct, indirect and induced effects on value added, employment and labour income
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    The forest sector is a key sector for the development of a circular bioeconomy and achievement of the SDGs. Clarity on the dimension of the benefits generated by wood production, including through other sectors of the economy can help build the case to support a sustainable growth of the forest sector, with increased sustainable management of natural and planted forests, and efficient and inclusive value chains. Analysis of national input-output matrix and calculation of economic multipliers can provide insights on the real magnitude of forest contributions to the national economies and highlight where policies towards sustainability can have a greater impact. This report presents the total economic contributions of the forest sector to national economies around the globe, based on estimations of the forest sector direct, indirect and induced effects on the economy derived from the national accounts input-output matrixes with the most recent data available (2015). The results can help stakeholders to understand the importance and multiplier effects of the forest sector to the national economy in a quantifiable way.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Contribution du secteur forestier aux économies nationales, 1990-2011 2020
    Ce document est la deuxième mise à jour du rapport initial de la FAO sur ce thème. Il présente des informations concernant la contribution du secteur forestier aux économies nationales aux niveaux mondial, régional et national. L’étude décrit la situation et les tendances de la contribution du secteur forestier (emploi, valeur ajoutée et recettes d’exportation totaux) dans le secteur et analyse les moteurs qui sous-tendent ces tendances. Elle met à jour les données et l’analyse jusqu’en 2011. Elle donne une estimation raisonnable des tendances générales du secteur aux niveaux régional et mondial. Toutefois, au niveau des pays individuels, l’emploi de valeurs imputées pour certains chiffres (c’est-à-dire les estimations de la FAO plutôt que les statistiques publiées) devrait être pris en compte et ces estimations devraient être traitées avec prudence.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Trends and current status of the contribution of the forestry sector to national economies 2004
    Also available in:

    This paper presents information about the contribution of the forestry sector to national economies at the global, regional and country levels. The paper presents figures for total employment, value-added and export earnings in the sector from 1990 to 2000, as well as information about trends in productivity. The figures include a mixture of statistics taken from published sources and FAO estimates. Unfortunately, statistics are not available for many countries or for activities in the informal sector, so these figures must be treated with some caution. However, the figures probably give a reasonable indication of the importance of the sector at the global and regional level and highlight broad changes over time. They also show some of the main differences in the structure of the sector between different countries and regions.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Forest sector contribution to national economies 2015
    The direct, indirect and induced effects on value added, employment and labour income
    Also available in:
    No results found.

    The forest sector is a key sector for the development of a circular bioeconomy and achievement of the SDGs. Clarity on the dimension of the benefits generated by wood production, including through other sectors of the economy can help build the case to support a sustainable growth of the forest sector, with increased sustainable management of natural and planted forests, and efficient and inclusive value chains. Analysis of national input-output matrix and calculation of economic multipliers can provide insights on the real magnitude of forest contributions to the national economies and highlight where policies towards sustainability can have a greater impact. This report presents the total economic contributions of the forest sector to national economies around the globe, based on estimations of the forest sector direct, indirect and induced effects on the economy derived from the national accounts input-output matrixes with the most recent data available (2015). The results can help stakeholders to understand the importance and multiplier effects of the forest sector to the national economy in a quantifiable way.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Contribution du secteur forestier aux économies nationales, 1990-2011 2020
    Ce document est la deuxième mise à jour du rapport initial de la FAO sur ce thème. Il présente des informations concernant la contribution du secteur forestier aux économies nationales aux niveaux mondial, régional et national. L’étude décrit la situation et les tendances de la contribution du secteur forestier (emploi, valeur ajoutée et recettes d’exportation totaux) dans le secteur et analyse les moteurs qui sous-tendent ces tendances. Elle met à jour les données et l’analyse jusqu’en 2011. Elle donne une estimation raisonnable des tendances générales du secteur aux niveaux régional et mondial. Toutefois, au niveau des pays individuels, l’emploi de valeurs imputées pour certains chiffres (c’est-à-dire les estimations de la FAO plutôt que les statistiques publiées) devrait être pris en compte et ces estimations devraient être traitées avec prudence.

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