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World tea production and trade

Current and future development

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    Projections of tobacco production, consumption and trade to the year 2010 2003
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    FAO shares international concern over the harmful effects of tobacco smoking and the rising incidence of smoking-related diseases, which along with the resultant personal and social distress also lead to associated economic losses, not only in the developed countries but also in the developing world, where consumption continues to expand. FAO supports measures to curtail smoking, and within the context of interagency cooperation, particularly within the United Nations Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Task Fo rce on Tobacco Control, FAO has undertaken a project involving a number of studies into various aspects of the global tobacco economy. This project, Tobacco Supply, Demand and Trade by 2010: Policy Options and Adjustment was supported by the Government of Sweden through its international development cooperation agency SIDA. These studies focus particularly on the potential effects, if any, that reductions in global demand might have on the economic conditions, earnings and food security of farmi ng communities in developing countries particularly dependent on tobacco production for their livelihood. The underlying goal of this research is to provide a well defined and thoroughly researched analysis of economic issues as a basis for promoting the necessary international and national measures to achieve a healthier and more economically sustainable global environment.
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    Proceedings of the Fiji/FAO 1997 Asia Pacific Sugar Conference
    Fiji, 29-31 October 1997
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    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREWORD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This publication contains the proceedings of the International Sugar Conference held in Fiji from 29 to 31 October 1997. The Conference was jointly organised by the Government of Fiji and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Conference addressed "Policy issues for Asia a nd the Pacific in the Next Round of Mulitlateral Negotiations." The theoretical outlook, framework and analysis, and background documentation to these issues were prepared by the Sugar and Beverage Group of the Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service, Commodities and Trade Division, FAO. These were published as Conference papers, covering a range of issues and included country studies for the major regional producers and consumers; the quantitative outlook to 2005; the impact of trade liberalisation on the world sugar market; and a discussion on the nurtitional aspects of sugar. Papers were also prepared and presented by internationally renowned speakers from the world sugar trade (Tote and Lyle - Australia; Sparks - United States; Siel Limited - India); grower and miller organizations (the Philippine Sugar Millers Association; the Thai Roong Ruang Group and the Australian Sugar Milling Council); government institutions (USDA and the Queensland Sugar Corporatio n) and other international organizations (World Bank and International Sugar Organization). The keynote addresses were given by the Honourable Mr Militoni Leweniqila, the Fiji Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and ALTA, and Mr J.N. Greenfield, the Director of the Commodities and Trade Division, who also summed up the proceedings.

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