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Migration and rural development: A handbook for preparing, running and evaluating a capacity development workshop

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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO Migration Framework – Migration as a choice and an opportunity for rural development 2019
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    The FAO Migration Framework guides the Organization in carrying out its work on migration at global, regional and country levels. It aims to ensure greater coordination between technical units and decentralized offices, and strengthen coherence and synergies across the Organization. It presents FAO definition, vision and mission on migration and spells out the rational for FAO engagement in this area. It presents what FAO does on migration, identifying the four main thematic areas of work along the migration cycle. Finally, it describes how FAO works on migration along its core functions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Rural migration, agriculture and rural development
    In Brief: Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
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    Migration is on the rise and it is one of the more widely-debated topics in the development community. There is a growing focus on the causes and impacts of migration and the best ways to address the needs of affected communities and individuals. While migration has long been part of a wider process of development and structural transformation, migrants often feel they have no choice but to leave home, due to poverty or other harsh conditions. Despite the focus on international migration, most migrants move within their home countries. In 2017, international migration reached an estimated 258 million people, but domestic migration involved 763 million.

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