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Suriname: Rural Sector Note

Sector Studies

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    Guyana: Rural Sector Note
    Sector Studies
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    The purpose of this draft report is to update the knowledge by the World Bank of the Guyana rural sector and serve as a basis for a future eventual dialogue between the World Bank and Government aimed at identifying promising opportunities for stimulating and diversifying rural growth and social capital formation. Should the World Bank and Government reach a consensus on project priority, a number of essential steps are suggested before entering into actual project preparation/pre-appraisal. The se are detailed in the report. It is based on an exhaustive review of available literature on the subject including documentation from the Government of Guyana, multilateral and bilateral donors and agencies and a field visit in November 2004 to discuss issues and options with Government officials and institutions involved in the agricultural sector. Preparation of the report benefited from substantive contributions by FAO and World Bank staff who commented on the draft and participated in i ts review.
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    The Future for Agriculture in OECS Countries: Rural Sector Note
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    This draft report prepared by an FAO - Investment Centre team upon request of the World Bank, is based on an extensive review of available information including technical papers and policy statements on OECS agriculture and on findings of short visits to the OECS countries to review development projects in the rural areas initiated by private investors, which could be of interest to the design of future agricultural sector development strategies. The objective of the report is to provide additio nal thoughts to the ongoing debate on the future for OECS agriculture and to the broader issue of regional strategies. Substantial additional work at field level and discussions at policy level would obviously be needed to translate the proposals outlined in the report into concrete operational recommendations. The OECS countries share a number of common features including fragile ecosystems, historical dependence of agriculture on a few key export commodities and a domestic private sector that is very limited in human resources and financial capacity. Although diverse in terms of agricultural potential and prospects, the OECS countries are all suffering from a marked deterioration of the agricultural sector performance, problems in adjusting to trade liberalization, the severe competitive pressures from more efficient agricultural producers and a common search for appropriate agricultural sector policies that could provide an adequate response to overcome the current crisis.B anana and to a very minor extent sugar, both crops with preferential market access to European countries, have been for long time the mainstay of the OECS agricultural economy. The national institutional systems including extension and the marketing arrangements have all been geared to the management of export crops economies while little attention was paid to food crops or diversification crops.
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    Management and utilization of the tropical moist forest - from the FAO Committee on forest development in the tropics - extracts 1976
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    This special issue of Unasylva has two main objectives. It brings to our readers an edited selection of some of the position papers of the important 4th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry Development in the Tropics and, in doing, this, it emphasizes FAO's principal concern in the field of forestry: how to make the best and wisest use of man's least understood ecological formation, the moist tropical forest.

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