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Report of hatchery management specialist to assist the Government of India/World Bank Inland Fishery Project

Okoniewski, Z.J. Mar 1985. Report of hatchery management specialist to assist the Government of India/World Bank Inland Fishery Project - Based on the work of Z.J.Okoniewski. Rome (Italy). 19 p.

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    FAO, under the Unilateral Trust Fund Project (UTF/IND 151/IND) provides the services of a Hatchery Engineering Consultant and a Hatchery Management Specialist to the Central Project Unit (CPU) for the Inland Fisheries Project of the Government of India, being executed with the World Bank assistance, for a total of 9 man-months each during the project implementation period, to assist the project States in hatchery site selection, detailed planning, tendering, initiation of construction of hatcher ies, training of the Fish Seed Development Corporation's (FSDC) engineering staff, supervision of construction of hatcheries and their operation and training of the FSDC hatchery operation staff.
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    South China Sea fisheries development and coordinating programme. Report of assistance on selection of site, design, construction and management of the Ban Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia brackishwater aquaculture demonstration project, Malaysia 1980
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    A consultancy was implemented to initiate the brackishwater aquaculture demonstration pilot project at Ban Merbok, Kedah state in Malaysia. The work consisted in selecting site, preparing the design and construction procedure, and setting guidelines for the future operation of the project. There was a question whether to establish the pilot family size small-holder pond demonstration inside or outside a man-made bund in the area. The technical and socio-economic considerations were appraised i n each case and it was determined by the Government Task Force that demonstration outside the bund was more advantageous. The Task Force functioned with the technical advice of this consultancy. To ensure the continuing supply of stocking material for penaeid shrimp and finfish, complementary project consisting of the establishment of a hatchery was also looked into. Prospective sites were surveyed and preliminary selection of the most suitable area was determined. Preliminary guidelines for t he construction and operation of the hatchery were also laid down. Present designation and address:
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    Book (series)
    A review of governance and tenure in inland capture fisheries and aquaculture systems of India 2022
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    Being able to access fish and other aquatic resources in inland waters for nutrition and food security is essential for rural populations in many developing countries and inland fisheries contribute significantly to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication, are tools allowing governments to strengthen governance and develop policies that secure equitable distribution of benefits and empower stakeholders. This document examines the tenure systems, rights and governance issues in the vast, diverse and complex inland fisheries of India. The objective is to highlight how inland fisheries have been changing and the associated challenges for governance and tenure. The legal and policy contexts, within which fishing in rivers, wetlands and estuaries takes place, are described as well as the diversity of fishing activities and practices in the different environments found in India, which include inland capture fisheries, culture-based fisheries and freshwater aquaculture systems. Multiple drivers of change that affect inland fisheries are discussed from within the fisheries sector and from wider social, economic and environmental contexts. The ways in which formal and informal institutional arrangements and customary access regimes interact with each other are highlighted. The potential outcomes of institutional change and emerging policies for ecological sustainability, economic equity and social justice are discussed, with a focus on capture fisheries within India’s inland fisheries.

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