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Feed formulation, equipment and training, Indonesia

Meyers, S.P. Jan 1987. Feed formulation, equipment and training, Indonesia. Rome (Italy). 31 p.

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    Indonesia - Improvement of milkfish pond production in Jepara, central Java. A report prepared for the brackishwater shrimp and milkfish culture applied research and training project 1979
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    This is one of a series of field documents prepared during the course of the UNDP project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Unite d Nations or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers.
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    Indonesia - Shrimp culture research. A report prepared for the brackishwater shrimp and milkfish culture applied research and training project 1979
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    This report gives an account of penaeid shrimp culture development work including postlarval production, nursery rearing and pond culture. The postlarval culture method was established for Penaeus monodon and P. merguiensis using different types of culture vessels. The total number of postlarvae produced in 1975 was 580 300 and production has increased to over 4 million in 1977; this figure will be rapidly increased in 1978 from induced gonad maturation and spawning. The highest P. monodon postl arvae per brood in a 10 m3 tank was achieved by producing 375 000 with 73 percent survival, and 320 000 with 52 percent survival for P. merguiensis. Mass-culture systems of phytoplankton and rotifers were established for larval food organisms. The particulated soybean curd and rotifers were used for the larval diet to substitute for Artemia nauplii. Artemia will still be needed for a better survival rate. Various types of nursery methods were experimented on formulated diet and on natural food in ponds; the optimal nursery stocking densities were determined. A series of pond culture results indicated that interim fish extermination by using 7 ppm derris root extract was effective. The annual shrimp production in pond projected from preliminary results indicated that 600 kg per ha per year is possible, utilizing natural productivity with the fertilization but no feeding. This phase of the work needs to be repeated. Based on the experiments, recommendations are outlined for f urther work to increase production.
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    Feed & Feeding of fish & Shrimp 1987
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    This manual has been prepared as an easy-to-read guide to the choice, manufacture, storage and use of feed in small-scale aquaculture. It was written for fish and crustacean farmers, extension officers and university aquaculture students. Feeding increases the productivity of aquaculture farms but it constitutes the highest single cost item of running expenditure. Care in its use is therefore imperative. The manual attempts to answer the basic questions likely to be asked by those intending t o apply feed as part of a programme to intensify production. The main sections of the manual deal with the need to feed, feed composition, choice of feeds, feed manufacture, nutritional requirements, storage, feeding practice, record keeping and likely problems. Eighteen appendices cover a wide range of related topics including examples of feed formulae, feed machinery, feeding devices, simple tables of feed composition, binders, feeding tables and analytical methods.

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