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DocumentFarm power and mechanization for small farms in sub-Saharan Africa 2006
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No results found.In the past, many of the publications concerned with mechanization, draught animal power, hand-tool technology, etc. tended to be rather mono-topical, dealing with only one aspect of the subject. Farm power and mechanization also tended to be separated from the actual processes of crop production and processing; it was a topic created by engineers and was dealt with by engineers. As a result, there is a widespread lack of understanding of the subject, and there are many widely held mis conceptions with regard to the essential contribution of farm power and mechanization to small farmers’ productivity and livelihoods. In recent years, the Farm Power and Mechanization Group in FAO has broken away from this rather narrow approach and has put the different sources of farm power, mechanization, machinery, equipment and tools into a much broader context. We have looked at farm power from the perspective of rural livelihoods and farming systems, as well as the critical area of labour saving in HIV/AIDS and migrationaffected populations. We have purposely avoided taking rigid positions with regard to any one particular type of technology; instead, we have adopted a much wider brief and have been concerned to identify appropriate solutions for a range of situations. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetAdoption of farm inputs, mechanization, irrigation and gender gaps in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from the Rural Livelihoods Information System (RuLIS)
RuLIS brief
2021Also available in:
No results found.RuLIS is a tool to support policies for reducing rural poverty, jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Statistics Division, the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). RuLIS brings together harmonized indicators and comparable data across countries and over time on rural incomes, livelihoods and rural development. Using the RuLIS data, this brief focuses on the observations made in the adoption of agricultural inputs, along with improved technology such as irrigation, and mechanised tools among crop farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. -
BookletReview of and recommendations for Custom Hiring Centers for mechanization in Nepal and the Asian region 2021
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No results found.This document serves as a review of mechanization Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (Nepal) and the Asian region and presents a set of recommendations for their sustainable management. The report begins with a brief historical background of Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) and current perspectives by academics, donors, and policy planners. It attempts a critical analysis of CHC performances in Nepal and the region to understand better their efficacy. Next, the report reviews India and China’s efforts in establishing CHCs. Over the last decade, these two countries have put enormous resources and time into establishing CHCs. Still, based on the current study's findings, there has been minimal reliable reporting or evidence on the success of their efforts. Yet, there is very good reason to believe that with refined backstopping and informed selection, CHCs can be successfully used to provide mechanization access for underserved geographical areas and their communities. The last section proposes a plan of action to improve Nepal's CHCs. There are recommendations, observations and considerations for policy and agricultural development professionals and the existing CHC's management committees (MCs) around establishing and/or the improving CHCs and their management. In summary, this preliminary document establishes a need for additional programming and training that support the many existing CHCs. Further, it highlights the necessity to support multiple comparative research that can quickly investigate the current situation of the hire services sector for agricultural machinery.
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