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Regulatory Issues: New inspection approaches and techniques - implications for food safety regulations

Country Paper proposed by the USA

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    FAO/WHO Concept Paper Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators 2001
    Purpose: To convene, on a regular basis, Global Fora of Food Safety Regulators to promote the exchange of information on approaches and experiences in dealing with current food safety issues of potential importance to public health and international food trade to advance the process of science-based public consultations and to facilitate capacity building, particularly in developing countries.
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    The Inspection System for Traditional Foods in Indonesia 2001
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    Traditional foods are the food those are comprised raw material, processed food and beverage and come from foodstuff which are available in Indonesia, and have been known and used since in the old days. Traditional foods to a certain extent almost naturally contain bio-active component. Therefor, these foods have potential be developed as functional foods and supplemental foods. There are different varieties of Indonesian traditional foods and those are depend on geographic, culture and custom w here the community live. Most of traditional foods generally, still be earned at home industrial level or in the small scale enterprises. Bear in mind the number of small scale enterprises as day wore on, become more and more, therefor, this growing should be supported by the government in order to fulfill the need of community as producers even the consumer. Based on reviewing, that most of traditional foods enterpreneurs have not skill and knowledge enough on hygiene of food processing. M oreover, the capability of managers are still limited to regristrate their products. To strengthen their capacity they should be guided by education programs and the benefit of the government it is easy to monitor and control them.
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    Hygiene practice manual for radish sprouts production in Japan 2001
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    Hydroponically grown radish (Raphanus sativus) sprouts served in school lunch were epidemiologically implicated as causative vehicle of Escherichia coli O157:H7 at the largest outbreak occurred in Sakai City, Japan, in 1996. Laboratory experiments suggested the possibility that E. coli O157:H7 had grown during radish sprouts production. In order to improve sanitation level in radish sprout production, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, developed hygiene practice manual for radish sprouts production in October 1996, then revised it in March 1998. The manual has adopted the concept of HACCP and identifies supplied water and seeds as critical control points (CCP).

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