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Researches on marine finfish and shrimp farming

Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia

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    Shrimp culture: pond design, operation and management
    Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
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    Overview of penaeid shrimp culture in Asia
    Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
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    Marine shrimp farming is a century-old practice in many Asian countries. Until a decade ago, this commodity was still generally considered as secondary crop in traditional fish farming practices. in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and India, shrimp fry were accidentally trapped in the salt beds and paddy fields around estuarine areas, whereas in Indonesia and the Philippines, marine shrimps enter milkfish ponds during tidal exchange. Only recently, due to higher income derived from the harvest of marine shrimp than the principal crop, the farmers eventually converted these fields into shrimp farms. In traditional shrimp farming, sources of wild shrimp fry are either through natural entrance during tidal water exchange or intentionally gathered from the wild and stocked directly in the ponds. Production is dependent on the seasonal abundance of wild fry which fluctuates widely from year to year. In addition, water depth in rearing pond is generally shallow which often leads to extreme f luctuations of water temperature and salinity causing large scale mortality. Predation by carnivorous fishes gaining entrance in the ponds also accounted for considerable loss of shrimps. Production relies almost entirely on natural pond fertility since fertilizers and feeds are not generally used. Consequently, yields are low in the range of 100 – 300 kg/ha/year. Gradually, over the years, some improvements in the traditional methods of culturing shrimp have evolved. For instance, the stockin g density could be increased with the aid of water pump and increasing water depth in the pond which favors shrimp growth since temperature can be maintained and mortality reduced. Production can also be raised by increasing stocking density in pond with the fry collected from the wild. However, supply of seed from the wild is still inconsistent and insufficient that large scale development of the industry cannot be realized.
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    Indonesia - Shrimp culture research. A report prepared for the brackishwater shrimp and milkfish culture applied research and training project 1979
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    This report gives an account of penaeid shrimp culture development work including postlarval production, nursery rearing and pond culture. The postlarval culture method was established for Penaeus monodon and P. merguiensis using different types of culture vessels. The total number of postlarvae produced in 1975 was 580 300 and production has increased to over 4 million in 1977; this figure will be rapidly increased in 1978 from induced gonad maturation and spawning. The highest P. monodon postl arvae per brood in a 10 m3 tank was achieved by producing 375 000 with 73 percent survival, and 320 000 with 52 percent survival for P. merguiensis. Mass-culture systems of phytoplankton and rotifers were established for larval food organisms. The particulated soybean curd and rotifers were used for the larval diet to substitute for Artemia nauplii. Artemia will still be needed for a better survival rate. Various types of nursery methods were experimented on formulated diet and on natural food in ponds; the optimal nursery stocking densities were determined. A series of pond culture results indicated that interim fish extermination by using 7 ppm derris root extract was effective. The annual shrimp production in pond projected from preliminary results indicated that 600 kg per ha per year is possible, utilizing natural productivity with the fertilization but no feeding. This phase of the work needs to be repeated. Based on the experiments, recommendations are outlined for f urther work to increase production.

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