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Impact evaluation of home-grown school feeding programmes

Methodological guidelines

Giunti, S., Aurino, E., Masset, E. and Prifti, E. 2022. Impact evaluation of home-grown school feeding programmes  Methodological guidelines. Rome. FAO. 

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    Compendium of case studies: Successful practices, tools and mechanisms to design, implement and monitor Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programmes in Africa
    Live ​broadcast learning route in Kenya
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    The first live broadcast Learning Route “Successful practices, tools and mechanisms to design, implement and monitor Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programmes in Africa” jointly promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Procasur took place from the 7th to the 12th of December 2020 in Kenya. Twenty-two government officials and decision-makers attended this Learning Route; amongst them: seven (07) Kenyan government officials travelled from Nairobi to Busia and Siaya Counties to visit and share knowledge with local HGSF initiatives, such as: the BFN Project developed in Busia and the Nyamninia Primary school in Siaya County. The remaining fifteen participants from selected African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Lesotho, Rwanda and Uganda) experienced the same learning journey on a virtual modality through live broadcast connections and direct interactions with key actors in the field. Kenya thanks to its well-established HGSF model was an inspiring host, showcasing the differentiated approaches and strategies developed at national level to facilitate small farmers’ inclusion in the school meals. The “direct cash transfers to school” as a food procurement mechanism, the multisectoral and multi-actors engagement, the nutritional and biodiverse provision of school meals are some of the innovations analyzed during the Learning Route. This compendium presents main lessons learned, key innovations and good practices of each case analyzed during the learning route.
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    Distributional impacts of home-grown school feeding and conservation agriculture in Zambia​ 2021
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    The aim of this study is to explore the distributional impacts on poverty and income of two programmes in Zambia, the Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme and the Conservation Agriculture Scale-Up (CASU) project, complementing the impact evaluation findings by Prifti & Grinspun (2019). These programmes target different parts of the population but are partly overlapping; they aim to influence poverty and food security through different channels. In the World Food Programme (WFP)’s HGSF modality, school feeding or provision of free meals for schoolchildren is complemented with procurement of food used for the meals from local smallholders. The purchase scheme aims to provide market access for smallholders, hence improving income stability and incentives to invest, ultimately increasing their productivity and reducing poverty. The objectives of school meals alone are improvement in schoolchildren’s nutrition as well as improvement in school attendance and hence human capital accumulation. Conservation agriculture (CA) consists of production methods that reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate risks and improve productivity. The CASU programme promoted the use of such methods among smallholders through training and demonstration and provision of inputs, aiming for adoption of more sustainable farming which increases farm productivity in the long run.
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    Ex-ante evaluation of home-grown school feeding in Senegal
    General equilibrium models of different food procurement modalities
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    Home-grown school feeding programmes have seen a considerable growth around the world. These programmes play a key role in supporting the improvement of child health and facilitating access to education, as well as in stimulating economic development through local procurement. The rigorous evaluation of the effects of these programmes on children and local economy poses several challenges due to the presence of multiple treatment arms,complex targeting criteria and the difficulties from lack of treatment randomization. This report presents the results of a simulation analysis of different food procurement modalities employed by Senegal’s current school feeding programme (SFP) by using local economy-wide impact evaluation (LEWIE). The LEWIE methodology was designed to capture both the direct and the indirect impacts of a wide range of governmental programmes and policies in local economies. The findings suggest that SFPs in Senegal have significant positive impacts on production and income within a 10-km radius of beneficiary schools. These impacts grow as SFPs increase their sourcing from local traders and food producers.

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