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Ukraine: Note on the impact of the war on food security in Ukraine


FAO. 2022. Ukraine: Note on the impact of the war on food security in Ukraine – 25 March 2022. Rome.

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    Ukraine: Note on the impact of the war on food security in Ukraine
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    FAO is deeply concerned about the food security situation in Ukraine. The war that began on 24 February 2022 has caused extensive damage and loss of life in key population centres, spread across rural areas, and sparked massive displacement. It is clear that the war has resulted in a massive, and deteriorating, food security challenge. It has already significantly disrupted livelihoods during the agricultural growing season, through physical access constraints and damage to homes, productive assets, agricultural land, roads, and other civilian infrastructure. It is uncertain whether Ukraine will be able to harvest existing crops, plant new ones or sustain livestock production as the conflict evolves. As insecurity persists, and both local and national supply chains are disrupted, people are likely to fall deeper into emergency levels of hunger and malnutrition. Noting that the immediate food security dimension of this conflict is related to food access and not food availability, agricultural production must be allowed to resume immediately and safely to avoid further potential impact on food security in Ukraine – and beyond – in the coming days, weeks and months.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ukraine: Rapid Response Plan, March–December 2022
    Supporting agricultural production to bolster food availability and access
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    The war in Ukraine that began on 24 February 2022 has led to large‑scale human suffering across all regions of the country. As the dynamics of the war continue to evolve, large portions of the population are affected by damage to critical infrastructure, lack of basic services and disruptions of supply chains, requiring multisectoral humanitarian assistance. In order to address the rapidly deteriorating food security situation, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has updated its Rapid Response Plan (RRP) for Ukraine, calling for a revised funding requirement of USD 115.4 million, to support 376 660 vulnerable smallholder and medium‑sized farming households through December 2022. The RRP has been designed to meet critical, time-sensitive agricultural deadlines for production and harvest, and address market functionality and access for vulnerable populations. It is anticipated that the RRP will be followed by a continuing programme based on the evolution of the crisis.
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    Ukraine: Emergency Response Plan, January–December 2024
    Protecting agricultural livelihoods of rural populations in war-affected areas
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    The war in Ukraine continues to compound the vulnerabilities of rural communities, especially those living near the frontline. Rural households have lost their productive capacities due to displacement, damaged land, infrastructure and equipment, and lack of access to key production inputs. Consequently, rural communities are increasingly becoming food aid beneficiaries and nearly one‑third of planned food aid beneficiaries under the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan are rural people who traditionally produce their own food. In this context, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the 2024 Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Through the 2024 ERP, FAO aims to mobilize USD 150 million to provide emergency livelihoods assistance to 315 800 households (821 080 people). The ERP focuses on the delivery of time-critical support to rural communities in war-affected areas to enable them to restore their production, improve their food security and avoid reliance on food aid. This document provides an overview of the context, planned response, expected outcomes, and implementation arrangements of the 2024 ERP.

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