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International tea market: market situation, prospects and emerging issues

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    Helping Smallholder Producers to Access Markets in Marginalized Areas of Kenya and South Sudan - GTFS RAF 478 ITA 2018
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    Low agricultural production and low household incomes mean that food security in the northwest of Kenya and the southeastern part of South Sudan continues to be a challenge. With smallholder producers and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs often marginalized and excluded from access to markets at national and regional levels, there was an urgent need to devise innovative approaches to developing and reinforcing efficient business linkages between value chain actors.
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    Ukraine: Emergency Response Plan, January–December 2024
    Protecting agricultural livelihoods of rural populations in war-affected areas
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    The war in Ukraine continues to compound the vulnerabilities of rural communities, especially those living near the frontline. Rural households have lost their productive capacities due to displacement, damaged land, infrastructure and equipment, and lack of access to key production inputs. Consequently, rural communities are increasingly becoming food aid beneficiaries and nearly one‑third of planned food aid beneficiaries under the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan are rural people who traditionally produce their own food. In this context, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the 2024 Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Through the 2024 ERP, FAO aims to mobilize USD 150 million to provide emergency livelihoods assistance to 315 800 households (821 080 people). The ERP focuses on the delivery of time-critical support to rural communities in war-affected areas to enable them to restore their production, improve their food security and avoid reliance on food aid. This document provides an overview of the context, planned response, expected outcomes, and implementation arrangements of the 2024 ERP.
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    Book (series)
    Present market situation and prospects of meagre (Argyrosomus regius), as an emerging species in Mediterranean aquaculture 2010
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    The present document review the aquaculture activities and the market situation and prospect of the meagre (Argyrosomus regius) in the Mediterranean countries. Meagre culture started in France and in Italy in the late ‘90s and is developing in the Mediterranean Region, jumping from a few tonnes in 2 000 to over 10 000 tonnes expected in 2010, highlighting the appearance of a new aquaculture species on the market. Meagre is currently sold by a limited number of players on niche segments (small volumes at relatively high prices to selected market segments). From a market viewpoint, meagre is endowed with intrinsic values such as attractive fish shape, good processing yield, good nutritional values, low fat content, excellent taste, firm texture suitable for a large variety of recipes. Yet it is very little known to end consumers. Meagre production is expected to grow fast in the medium term and ex-farm prices will probably drop under the pressure of increasing supply. T his is what will most likely happen if the coming increased production converges towards favourable markets like Spain, Italy and Portugal. This report draws the picture of the existing market of meagre and describes the possible routes for development. Indeed, based on its aquaculture characteristics, meagre has the potential to become a mass market species, moving from the present position of a niche species with a limited production directed to selected market segments. The paper re commends some actions to be undertaken to consolidate good conditions for future growth and to reduce commercial risks. Most of the information used originates from national data and from the author’s personal estimates.

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