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Effect of desiccation and storage environment on longevity of Ehretia cymosa Thonn. seeds

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Germination characteristics and storage behavior of Codonopsis pilosula Nannf. seeds
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Codonopsis pilosula Nannf. is classified as an endangered species (VU) in Korea. Ex situ conservation through long-term storage of seeds is, in principle, possible for a significant proportion of plants. However, it is not known whether these seeds are orthodox; that is, if they can survive under long-term storage conditions (-20 °C, 40 % relative humidity (RH) or less) without being damaged. We determined the germination characteristics and storage behavior of C. pilosula. The seeds were collected from plants growing at the Baekdudaegan Arboretum on September 17, 2020. Immediately after collection, the equilibrium relative humidity (eRH) of the seeds was measured. To determine the germination characteristics of the seeds, a germination test was conducted at temperatures of 15, 20, and 25 °C (12/12 h) with 100 and 250 ppm GA3. To determine the storage behavior, their moisture content was measured under five conditions: 15 °C and RH at 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50 %, at 250 ppm GA3. Vitality was calculated as the ratio of the number of germinated seeds and the survived seeds of the unsprouted through the TZ test. Viability tests were conducted in the order of X-ray, germination test, and TZ test. The average germination percentage (GP) of untreated seeds was below 11 ± 3 %. The highest GP of seeds following GA3 treatment was 90 ± 0.70 %. The eRH was 45 % after collection. The initial seed viability percentage was 90.3 ± 2 %. The highest viability percentage (VP) was identified at 91 ± 0.25 % in equilibrium with 20 % (eRH) at 15 °C with a moisture content of 3.23 % Fresh weight. The results of our study on the behavior of C. pilosula seeds indicate that orthodox seeds did not reduce in viability even when dried in equilibrium with 20 % RH; thus, these seeds can be kept under long-term storage conditions. Keywords: Biodiversity conservation, Climate change, Agriculture ID: 3622450
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    Pre-treatment effect on seed germination of calopogonium mucunoides: A promising cover crop for forest land restoration and climate resilience
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Calopogonium mucunoides have been widely used as a pasture legume, cover crop and nitrogen fixing plant in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It reduces soil erosion, controls wind and water erosion; improve soil properties and adapts to wide climatic conditions. The present study investigated the effect of different pre- treatment on germination percent (GP), mean germination time (MGT), germination value (GV), peak value (PV) and germination index (GI) of C. mucunoides. The experiment was conducted at Forest Research Institute, India. Treatment used were hot water soaking for 6 hrs at 40, 60, 80 & 88 ° C; acid scarification using H2SO4 in 1, 3 & 5% concentration; sand scarification, GA3 treatment at 50 & 100ppm; KNO3 at 0.1,1 & 3%. Germination parameters such as GP (ISTA, 2010); MGT (Orchard, 1977); GV (Djavanshir & Pourbeik, 1976); PV (Czabator, 1962), and GI (Timson, 1965) of the species were measured as per the standard methods. Experiment was conducted using CRD in a seed germinator at 25±1 C. ANOVA was performed, and significant treatment means were separated by Duncan's new multiple range tests. Highest GP was observed as 97% at 88° C followed by 87, 86 & 83% at 80, 60 & 40°C hot water treatment respectively. Sand scarification method exhibited the GP of 80%. Lowest MGT was recorded in GA3 (50 & 100ppm) and hot water (88 °C). Maximum GV, PV and GI were recorded in the seed treated with 88° C hot water. The result of ANOVA showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in the effect of GP, MGT and GV using different pre-treatment. Pre-treatment had a significant role in the germination parameters of C. mucunoides. In laboratory, untreated seed produce the GP of 56% while sand scarification and hot water soaking had increase the GP ranges from 80-97% appears to be more promising, cost effective and safest method for large scale cultivation of these cover crops to prevent soil erosion and restore the soil fertility of wastelands of tropical regions of the world. Keywords: Cover crop, pre-treatment, dormancy, germination percent, mean germination time ID: 3487192
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    Morphometrics of Pinus patula crown and its effect on cone characteristics and seed yield in Kenya
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Tree crowns for conifers have been known globally to be the epicentre of seed production. Pinus species and other conifers have cones as an important unit for seed production. Cone production is however not uniform and often varies among compartments and sectors within the crown. This study sought to evaluate within-crown cone production patterns, cone characteristics and seed yield in a Pinus patula clonal seed orchard in Londiani, Kenya. Crown height was divided into 3 equal portions and a further subdivision done for each of the portions into 2 sections. From each crown section 10 mature cones were collected to total 60 cones per tree as a sample size. The cones were put in a preheated oven at temperature 65°C for 24 hours to open for seed extraction. This study observed cones collected from the top portion of the crown yielded the highest amount of seed (33.3±4.91 seeds) (p<0.05) while the bottom part had the lowest (14.4±2.76) (p<0.05). The study recommends collection of Pinus patula seeds from the upper part of the crown in unmanaged stands and further recommends that management through pollarding be done regularly to minimize within-crown differences. Keyword: Research ID: 3469693

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