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Application of needle punch technique in bamboo-based medium density fibre board

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Budgetary and property evaluation of bamboo products: The case of forestry research institute of Nigeria
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The increasing difficulty in sourcing timber species in Nigeria necessitates seeking for alternatives species. Providing alternative species requires knowledge on the technical properties and budgetary evaluation particularly in relation to their utilization. Bambusa vulgaris from available evidence had been used for light construction and production in some parts of Nigeria; however, there is dearth of information on its technical properties and budgetary evaluation. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate selected properties and budgetary evaluation of Bamboo. Bamboo culms were harvested, processed into valuable products such as Tables, Chairs, Bed, flower vases, lamp stands and many other household items with detail analysis on the cost of production in either round or laminated form. The technical properties considered include: Modulus of rupture (MOR) and Modulus of elasticity (MOE), while the budgetary analysis include: Rate of Returns on Investment and cost benefit analysis of the production. Result of the properties shows that the mean MOE of B. vulgaris was 4556.21±98.42N/mm2. While mean MOR of B. vulgaris was 51.88±112.80N/mm. The Rate of Returns (RORI) of bamboo furniture is above 60% and Cost Benefit Ratio is higher than 1. There are potentials in utilizing bamboo for the production of structural materials being a medium density wood and slightly dimensionally stable. It is also a profitable venture for utilization and it has the potential of serving as a suitable alternative to the scarce tropical timber species Keywords: Value chain, Research, Innovation, Sustainable forest management, Financial mechanisms ID: 3474266
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    Suitability of medium density particle board from Acacia catechu (Khair)
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Particleboard provides the opportunity to use the greatest possible volume of forest resources and industrial waste. The main aim of this work was to use Acacia catechu waste wood chips from which kattha and cutch were already extracted. Different combinations of heat, temperature, and resin were used to manufacture the particleboard. Particleboards were examined for their mechanical and physical properties. Two different pressures of 17.5 Kg cm-2 and 21 Kg cm-2 with a resin content of 10 percent and 12 percent were used for their processing. The density of the particleboards ranged from 0.69 to 0.76 g cm-3. Particleboard made from Acacia catechu at 21 kg cm-2 at 10 percent resin showed the highest physical and mechanical properties. The results showed that it is important to establish future research along these lines that waste material should be suitable for manufacturing high-quality particleboards with high strength and dimensional features. Further treatments may be necessary for improving the quality of a panel, particularly its dimensional stability. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation, Research, Sustainable forest management, Biodiversity conservation, Innovation ID: 3484636
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    Modelling pine and spruce wood mechanical properties in different initial stand density plantations in Lithuania
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Two main parameters of wood quality in constructions are wood modulus of elasticity (MOE) and bending strength (MOR). To understand what kind of quality wood we are growing in our forests and how environment and forest management could affect wood quality parameters, we need to model these parameters by stand, tree, and sample results. This would help to predict MOE and MOR for the future stands.
    To determine the influence of stand density and thinning intensity on wood mechanical and physical properties of Scots pine and Norway spruce, the data was obtained from experimental trials plots, which were established in 1990 by Institute of Forestry. The experimental object was divided to a smaller trial plots with different initial stand density: 2 plots with 3000-4400 trees per hectare, 2 plots with 2000-2400 trees per hectare, 2 plots with 1000-1200 trees per hectare. In these trial plots different thinning programs were used 3; 2; 1 time. From each trial plot 6 model trees were chosen (38 Spruce and 76 Pine trees).
    Models were created by SAS statistical package. General linear regression models were chosen to create 4 models for prediction of: dynamic modulus of elasticity for log (MOElog); dynamic modulus of elasticity for samples (MOEdyn); global static modulus of elasticity (MOE) and bending strength (MOR) All parameters for creating models were chosen as random effects. Stand parameter was stand density (SD). Tree parameters were diameter at breast high (DBH), competition index (CI), average ring width (RD), average ring density (RD) and log high (LH). Sample parameters were knot at fracture point (K) and sample wood density (WD).
    Best result for MOE models was in pine stand R2=0,82 spruce stand R2=0,85. R2=0,57 was in pine stand for MOR and R2=0,65 in spruce stand. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Research ID: 3484790

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