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Reducing food loss and valorizing fruits and residues to boost pineapple industry sustainability and profitability

Reducing food loss and valorizing fruits and residues to boost pineapple industry sustainability and profitability. Sustainable Tropical Fruits No. 11. Rome.

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    Policy brief
    Reducing food loss and valorizing fruits and residues to boost avocado industry sustainability and profitability 2024
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    Avocados, like other tropical fruits, are susceptible to food loss and waste due to their high moisture content and perishable nature. Factors including climate change, inadequate infrastructure and handling during harvesting, packaging and transportation increase the risk of food loss, impacting fruit supply and quality. Embracing strategies to reduce losses and maximize the use of non-marketable and damaged avocado fruit and residues is a win-win for businesses and global sustainability objectives including food security and climate action. By reducing losses, producers and businesses can also increase their competitiveness and resilience and enhance their reputation with markets and customers. This technical brief presents practical ideas on how stakeholders operating in avocado value chains can minimize food loss and valorize residues.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Adapting to climate change in the tropical fruit industry: a technical guide for pineapple producers and exporters 2024
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    Climate change is impacting global food production systems, making the challenge of feeding the world’s growing population more difficult than ever before. The tropical fruit sector is particularly at risk from the negative impacts of climate change driven by rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and associated challenges such as water stress and increased pests and diseases. This poses significant risks for the long-term sustainability of production and trade of important tropical fruits including pineapple. Recognizing these challenges, the Responsible Fruits Project has developed this technical guide on climate change adaptation for the pineapple export industry. The guide is for producers and exporters of pineapple who are interested in learning more about climate change in the context of their own business systems. It was developed through a consultative process with pineapple companies and producer organizations participating in the Responsible Fruits Project. The purpose of this technical guide is to:• Provide up-to-date information on recent and predicted climate change effects and trends in key pineapple producing and exporting countries. • Identify climate change risks and impacts on the production and trade of pineapple.• Identify adaptation practices and recommendations that may help to address these risks, minimize negative impacts and build resilience.• Share good practices adopted by companies to address specific climate-related production risks in a sustainable manner.• Identify gaps in information, research and technical solutions needed to strengthen the availability and adoption of adaptation practices.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    How do avocado and pineapple businesses shape the fate of Sustainable Development Goals?
    Technical brief, no. 7
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    Businesses in the global production and export of avocados and pineapples can play an important role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The tropical fruit sector not only contributes to employment and export revenues but also provides nutritious food. However, if not properly managed, social, environmental and economic risks associated with tropical fruits value chains can have detrimental effects and impede progress towards achieving the SDGs. A proactive approach is necessary to identify and avoid these challenges, ensuring that the avocado and pineapple sectors continue to make positive contributions to the SDGs. By doing so, they can align their growth with sustainable development. Contributing to fulfilling the SDGs also help businesses mitigate risks, strengthen access to markets with high sustainability requirements, and improve relationships with consumers, workers, governments and other stakeholders.

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