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Gender, agriculture and rural development in Albania

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    Book (series)
    Barazia gjinore, Bujqësia dhe Zhvillimi Rural në Shqipëri
    Vlerësim i barazisë gjinore në vend
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    Ky raport nxjerr në pah pabarazitë e mëdha gjinore të nxjerra nga të dhënat e gjetura. Këto pabarazi duhet të merren në konsideratë nga politikëbërësit dhe menaxherët e projekteve të cilët punojnë në fushën e bujqësisë dhe zhvillimit rural. Si i tillë, ky raport nuk është menduar të jetë një raport gjithëpërfshirës përsa i përket pabarazive gjinore në Shqipëri. Për më tepër, hulumtime të tjera në terren janë të nevojshme në një gamë të gjerë fushash, duke përfshirë peshkimin, pyjet, bashkëpunim in e fermerëve lokal dhe kontributin real të grave të PBB, në veçanti duke pasur parasysh rolin e tyre thelbësor në punën e papaguar dhe informale. Fusha të tjera jashtë mandatit të FAO-së janë vetëm përmendur shkurtimisht në këtë raport dhe nuk janë mbuluar plotësisht apo analizuar.
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    Book (series)
    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
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    The National Gender Profile for Serbia represents the first comprehensive and structured attempt to collect and analyze available secondary data across all sectors relevant to agriculture and rural livelihoods. It provides a profound analysis of gender issues in agriculture, food security, and rural livelihoods. By this, the assessment contributes to the existing body of knowledge on rural women's status, establishes connections between gender inequalities and agriculture and food security, and sustainable development in Serbia, and suggests areas for future work to responsible stakeholders and FAO.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Towards gender-responsive agricultural extension services in Albania
    Assessment report
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    This publication assesses the extent, progress and challenges of providing gender-responsive agricultural extension services in Albania based on the FAO Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool (GRAST) methodology. Even though agriculture is an important sector of the economy that accounts for 36 percent of overall employment in the country, informality is high and the engagement of low-skilled rural women in labour intensive activities is significant. Women in the context of family farms, are often considered to be unpaid “farm helpers”. This assessment identifies the key gaps at national, organizational and field levels that hinder the achievement of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the country’s progress towards inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems. In particular, the absence of evidence-based and sex-disaggregated data does not allow developing gender responsive services driven by a sound understanding of the gender-specific barriers that prevent farmers from accessing and benefiting from such services. Moreover, the lack of well-articulated and mainstreamed gender and social inclusion policies for targeting and reaching diverse women and men clients reduces progress towards national goals and commitments. Addressing rural women’s access to information, knowledge and services is essential for ensuring gender equality, reaching farm efficiency, sustainability and productivity, and contributing to the enhancement of livelihoods.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Barazia gjinore, Bujqësia dhe Zhvillimi Rural në Shqipëri
    Vlerësim i barazisë gjinore në vend
    Also available in:

    Ky raport nxjerr në pah pabarazitë e mëdha gjinore të nxjerra nga të dhënat e gjetura. Këto pabarazi duhet të merren në konsideratë nga politikëbërësit dhe menaxherët e projekteve të cilët punojnë në fushën e bujqësisë dhe zhvillimit rural. Si i tillë, ky raport nuk është menduar të jetë një raport gjithëpërfshirës përsa i përket pabarazive gjinore në Shqipëri. Për më tepër, hulumtime të tjera në terren janë të nevojshme në një gamë të gjerë fushash, duke përfshirë peshkimin, pyjet, bashkëpunim in e fermerëve lokal dhe kontributin real të grave të PBB, në veçanti duke pasur parasysh rolin e tyre thelbësor në punën e papaguar dhe informale. Fusha të tjera jashtë mandatit të FAO-së janë vetëm përmendur shkurtimisht në këtë raport dhe nuk janë mbuluar plotësisht apo analizuar.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
    Also available in:

    The National Gender Profile for Serbia represents the first comprehensive and structured attempt to collect and analyze available secondary data across all sectors relevant to agriculture and rural livelihoods. It provides a profound analysis of gender issues in agriculture, food security, and rural livelihoods. By this, the assessment contributes to the existing body of knowledge on rural women's status, establishes connections between gender inequalities and agriculture and food security, and sustainable development in Serbia, and suggests areas for future work to responsible stakeholders and FAO.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Towards gender-responsive agricultural extension services in Albania
    Assessment report
    Also available in:
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    This publication assesses the extent, progress and challenges of providing gender-responsive agricultural extension services in Albania based on the FAO Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool (GRAST) methodology. Even though agriculture is an important sector of the economy that accounts for 36 percent of overall employment in the country, informality is high and the engagement of low-skilled rural women in labour intensive activities is significant. Women in the context of family farms, are often considered to be unpaid “farm helpers”. This assessment identifies the key gaps at national, organizational and field levels that hinder the achievement of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the country’s progress towards inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems. In particular, the absence of evidence-based and sex-disaggregated data does not allow developing gender responsive services driven by a sound understanding of the gender-specific barriers that prevent farmers from accessing and benefiting from such services. Moreover, the lack of well-articulated and mainstreamed gender and social inclusion policies for targeting and reaching diverse women and men clients reduces progress towards national goals and commitments. Addressing rural women’s access to information, knowledge and services is essential for ensuring gender equality, reaching farm efficiency, sustainability and productivity, and contributing to the enhancement of livelihoods.

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