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Sustainable Wildlife Management - Unasylva 249

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    Book (series)
    Manejo sostenible de la vida silvestre - Unasylva 249 2017
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    La gestión sostenible de la vida silvestre es objeto de considerable atención en el debate internacional debido a su importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad, la seguridad humana, los medios de subsistencia y la seguridad alimentaria. Las poblaciones locales han gestionado las especies silvestres durante milenios, incluso a través de la caza. En este número se presentan ejemplos suficientes para demostrar que en la era moderna también es factible la gestión sostenible de la vida silv estre. En algunos casos, el aprovechamiento sostenible (por parte de la población local, los cazadores de trofeos y los comerciantes legítimos de vida silvestre) resulta vital para obtener el apoyo local a la gestión de la vida silvestre y para pagar el costo de mantenimiento de los hábitats. No hay duda de que continuará el debate sobre las mejores maneras de gestionar la vida salvaje, y esta edición de Unasylva se propone como una contribución a ese objetivo.
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    Rural Community Participation in Integrated Wildlife Management and Utilisation in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe (Collection of Seminar Papers)
    Training Seminar on Integrated Wildlife Resource Use. Regional — Africa
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    Part I; Lessons drawn by participants from all projects visited.
    • Overall Evaluation of integrated Wildlife Utilisation Projects Involving Rural Peoples; Participation in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
    Part II: Papers presented during the seminar. Botswana:
    • A Review of Planning for Community-based Wildlife Projects in Botswana. Lawson, D.
    • Lessons of Experience in Wildlife Utilization in Botswana. Barnes, J.I.
    • The Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project (LIRDP). Bell, R.H.V.
    • The ADMADE Programme—a traditional approach to wildlife management in Zambia. Mwenya, A.N. and Lewis, D.M.
    • The WWF-Zambia Wetlands Project's Role in Integrated Wildlife Resource Use. Jeffrey, R.C.V.
    • The Communal Area Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) Projects at Nyaminyami and Guruve. Pangeti, G.N.
    • The Role of Zimbabwe Trust in CAMPFIRE Projects in Zi mbabwe. Munro, R.
    • The CAMPFIRE Programme in Zimbabwe: Integrating development with conservation through community-managed wildlife utilization. Metcalfe, S.
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    Wildlife Management Curriculum: Strengthening the Forestry Engineering Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Eduardo Mondlane University, Republic of Mozambique 1991
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    The introduction of Wildlife Management courses into the general curriculum of the Forestry Engineering was part of the second phase of project MOZ/86/029, Strengthening the Forestry Engineering Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Eduardo Mondlane University,
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    Book (series)
    Manejo sostenible de la vida silvestre - Unasylva 249 2017
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    La gestión sostenible de la vida silvestre es objeto de considerable atención en el debate internacional debido a su importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad, la seguridad humana, los medios de subsistencia y la seguridad alimentaria. Las poblaciones locales han gestionado las especies silvestres durante milenios, incluso a través de la caza. En este número se presentan ejemplos suficientes para demostrar que en la era moderna también es factible la gestión sostenible de la vida silv estre. En algunos casos, el aprovechamiento sostenible (por parte de la población local, los cazadores de trofeos y los comerciantes legítimos de vida silvestre) resulta vital para obtener el apoyo local a la gestión de la vida silvestre y para pagar el costo de mantenimiento de los hábitats. No hay duda de que continuará el debate sobre las mejores maneras de gestionar la vida salvaje, y esta edición de Unasylva se propone como una contribución a ese objetivo.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Rural Community Participation in Integrated Wildlife Management and Utilisation in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe (Collection of Seminar Papers)
    Training Seminar on Integrated Wildlife Resource Use. Regional — Africa
    Also available in:
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    Part I; Lessons drawn by participants from all projects visited.
    • Overall Evaluation of integrated Wildlife Utilisation Projects Involving Rural Peoples; Participation in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
    Part II: Papers presented during the seminar. Botswana:
    • A Review of Planning for Community-based Wildlife Projects in Botswana. Lawson, D.
    • Lessons of Experience in Wildlife Utilization in Botswana. Barnes, J.I.
    • The Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project (LIRDP). Bell, R.H.V.
    • The ADMADE Programme—a traditional approach to wildlife management in Zambia. Mwenya, A.N. and Lewis, D.M.
    • The WWF-Zambia Wetlands Project's Role in Integrated Wildlife Resource Use. Jeffrey, R.C.V.
    • The Communal Area Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) Projects at Nyaminyami and Guruve. Pangeti, G.N.
    • The Role of Zimbabwe Trust in CAMPFIRE Projects in Zi mbabwe. Munro, R.
    • The CAMPFIRE Programme in Zimbabwe: Integrating development with conservation through community-managed wildlife utilization. Metcalfe, S.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Wildlife Management Curriculum: Strengthening the Forestry Engineering Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Eduardo Mondlane University, Republic of Mozambique 1991
    Also available in:
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    The introduction of Wildlife Management courses into the general curriculum of the Forestry Engineering was part of the second phase of project MOZ/86/029, Strengthening the Forestry Engineering Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Eduardo Mondlane University,

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