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Données sur la composition des aliments

Production, gestion et utilisation

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Consultation d’experts sur les indicateurs nutritionnels pour la biodiversité
    2. Consommation alimentaire
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    La diversité biologique est la variété de la vie sur la Terre, depuis les micro-organismes les plus simples jusqu’aux écosystèmes complexes tels que les forêts pluviales amazoniennes. La biodiversité est importante pour la nutrition et la santé et peut aider à lutter contre les carences en micronutriments et d’autres formes de malnutrition. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable de connaître la composition des aliments et de diffuser ces connaissances de manière à ce que les variétés et les races a yant la plus haute qualité nutritionnelle puissent être promues. L’initiative intersectorielle sur la biodiversité pour l’alimentation et la nutrition a été lancée pour mesurer, étudier et promouvoir la biodiversité et la nutrition. Il s’avère donc nécessaire d’élaborer des indicateurs nutritionnels afin d’étudier les trois aspects de la biodiversité, à savoir les écosystèmes, les espèces qu’ils renferment et la diversité génétique au sein des espèces. Les indicateurs mesureront la composit ion des aliments et la consommation de cultivars, variétés, races et sous-espèces d’aliments de consommation courante, ainsi que d’espèces végétales et animales indigènes, sous-utilisées ou non cultivées. Le deuxième indicateur nutritionnel de la biodiversité est lié à la consommation des aliments. Il nous informera des progrès accomplis concernant la consommation des aliments pour la biodiversité et nous aidera à valoriser et à préserver la biodiversité de notre planète dans des écosystème s bien gérés renfermant de nombreuses sources d’aliments riches en nutriments.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Food composition data
    Production, management and use
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    Erratum: In October 2014, the reference (Source: Paul and Southgate,1978) was added in Appendix 5 at p. 224 upon request of Heather Greenfield. Data on the composition of foods are essential for a diversity of purposes in many fields of activity. "Food composition data" was produced as a set of guidelines to aid individuals and organizations involved in the analysis of foods, the compilation of data, data dissemination and data use. Its primary objective is to show how to obtain good -quality data that meet the requirements of the multiple users of food composition databases. These guidelines draw on experience gained in countries where food composition programmes have been active for many years. This book provides an invaluable guide for professionals in health and agriculture research, policy development, food regulation and safety, food product development, clinical practice, epidemiology and many other fields of endeavour where food composition data provide a fundamental resource.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0 2012
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    Food composition data play an essential role in many sectors, including nutrition, health, agriculture, environment, food labelling and trade (Burlingame, 2004; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Pennington, 2008). Over the last 25 years, INFOODS has developed many international standards, guidelines and tools to obtain harmonized food composition data. They contain criteria for analytical data, guidelines on component identifiers, data compilation, food nomenclature, interchange and quality evalua tion (INFOODS, 2012a; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Klensin et al., 1989; Rand et al., 1991; Truswell et al.,1991). They were supplemented by guidelines from others such as EuroFIR (EuroFIR, 2012a; Westenbrink et al., 2009). However, as there are no guidelines on the validation/verification of data prior to publishing them in a user table/database (DB), INFOODS and FAO decided to develop such guidelines through the INFOODS network. The document was constructed on the assumption that the user t able/DB was developed according to the criteria set by Greenfield and Southgate (2003, pp.14-15) as outlined in Figure 1. It reflects the different stages of food composition database management until the production of user tables/DBs. Checks should be performed at all levels of the food composition database (FCDB) and a final check is recommended before the release of a user table/DB. The checks described in this document are related to compiled/aggregated data before publication in user tables /DBs. The objective of this document is to outline comprehensively the internal checks to be carried out on the food composition data and documentation prior to their publication in the user table/DB (section 3). For those compilers not yet familiar with the compilation and publication procedures of food composition data, a section on general issues (section 2) was added to give a brief overview of important issues which are useful for a better understanding of the checks and for keeping the c hecks as short as possible, i.e. without the need for further explanations. which provide further useful information for those with less experience in database compilation
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Consultation d’experts sur les indicateurs nutritionnels pour la biodiversité
    2. Consommation alimentaire
    Also available in:

    La diversité biologique est la variété de la vie sur la Terre, depuis les micro-organismes les plus simples jusqu’aux écosystèmes complexes tels que les forêts pluviales amazoniennes. La biodiversité est importante pour la nutrition et la santé et peut aider à lutter contre les carences en micronutriments et d’autres formes de malnutrition. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable de connaître la composition des aliments et de diffuser ces connaissances de manière à ce que les variétés et les races a yant la plus haute qualité nutritionnelle puissent être promues. L’initiative intersectorielle sur la biodiversité pour l’alimentation et la nutrition a été lancée pour mesurer, étudier et promouvoir la biodiversité et la nutrition. Il s’avère donc nécessaire d’élaborer des indicateurs nutritionnels afin d’étudier les trois aspects de la biodiversité, à savoir les écosystèmes, les espèces qu’ils renferment et la diversité génétique au sein des espèces. Les indicateurs mesureront la composit ion des aliments et la consommation de cultivars, variétés, races et sous-espèces d’aliments de consommation courante, ainsi que d’espèces végétales et animales indigènes, sous-utilisées ou non cultivées. Le deuxième indicateur nutritionnel de la biodiversité est lié à la consommation des aliments. Il nous informera des progrès accomplis concernant la consommation des aliments pour la biodiversité et nous aidera à valoriser et à préserver la biodiversité de notre planète dans des écosystème s bien gérés renfermant de nombreuses sources d’aliments riches en nutriments.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Food composition data
    Production, management and use
    Also available in:

    Erratum: In October 2014, the reference (Source: Paul and Southgate,1978) was added in Appendix 5 at p. 224 upon request of Heather Greenfield. Data on the composition of foods are essential for a diversity of purposes in many fields of activity. "Food composition data" was produced as a set of guidelines to aid individuals and organizations involved in the analysis of foods, the compilation of data, data dissemination and data use. Its primary objective is to show how to obtain good -quality data that meet the requirements of the multiple users of food composition databases. These guidelines draw on experience gained in countries where food composition programmes have been active for many years. This book provides an invaluable guide for professionals in health and agriculture research, policy development, food regulation and safety, food product development, clinical practice, epidemiology and many other fields of endeavour where food composition data provide a fundamental resource.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0 2012
    Also available in:

    Food composition data play an essential role in many sectors, including nutrition, health, agriculture, environment, food labelling and trade (Burlingame, 2004; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Pennington, 2008). Over the last 25 years, INFOODS has developed many international standards, guidelines and tools to obtain harmonized food composition data. They contain criteria for analytical data, guidelines on component identifiers, data compilation, food nomenclature, interchange and quality evalua tion (INFOODS, 2012a; Greenfield and Southgate, 2003; Klensin et al., 1989; Rand et al., 1991; Truswell et al.,1991). They were supplemented by guidelines from others such as EuroFIR (EuroFIR, 2012a; Westenbrink et al., 2009). However, as there are no guidelines on the validation/verification of data prior to publishing them in a user table/database (DB), INFOODS and FAO decided to develop such guidelines through the INFOODS network. The document was constructed on the assumption that the user t able/DB was developed according to the criteria set by Greenfield and Southgate (2003, pp.14-15) as outlined in Figure 1. It reflects the different stages of food composition database management until the production of user tables/DBs. Checks should be performed at all levels of the food composition database (FCDB) and a final check is recommended before the release of a user table/DB. The checks described in this document are related to compiled/aggregated data before publication in user tables /DBs. The objective of this document is to outline comprehensively the internal checks to be carried out on the food composition data and documentation prior to their publication in the user table/DB (section 3). For those compilers not yet familiar with the compilation and publication procedures of food composition data, a section on general issues (section 2) was added to give a brief overview of important issues which are useful for a better understanding of the checks and for keeping the c hecks as short as possible, i.e. without the need for further explanations. which provide further useful information for those with less experience in database compilation

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