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FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Directives FAO/INFOODS sur la vérification des données sur la composition des aliments avant a publication d’une table / base de données utilisateur. Version 1.0 2015
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    L’objectif de ce document est d’exposer de manière exhaustive les contrôles internes qui doivent être effectués sur les données relatives à la composition des aliments avant de leur publication dans une table/base de données utilisateur. English version of this publication "FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0" is published under job number ap810
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    Food composition data
    Production, management and use
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    Erratum: In October 2014, the reference (Source: Paul and Southgate,1978) was added in Appendix 5 at p. 224 upon request of Heather Greenfield. Data on the composition of foods are essential for a diversity of purposes in many fields of activity. "Food composition data" was produced as a set of guidelines to aid individuals and organizations involved in the analysis of foods, the compilation of data, data dissemination and data use. Its primary objective is to show how to obtain good -quality data that meet the requirements of the multiple users of food composition databases. These guidelines draw on experience gained in countries where food composition programmes have been active for many years. This book provides an invaluable guide for professionals in health and agriculture research, policy development, food regulation and safety, food product development, clinical practice, epidemiology and many other fields of endeavour where food composition data provide a fundamental resource.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Kenya Food Composition Tables, 2018 2018
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    Food composition data provides food and nutrition sector, both private and public with the important guidelines in food labelling, assessment of nutrient intake to determine nutrition adequacy, diet formulation as well as in research and breeding. The information generated is also used to establish food-based dietary guidelines for dietary diversification and food fortification. They also help program managers in determining the relationships between disease outcome and nutrient intakes. The resultant information provides the evidence base for nutrition and health & agricultural policies in establishing how to meet the nutrient requirements in the population through diet. The Kenya Food Composition Tables [FCT] (2018) was developed following international guidelines from INFOODS considering all the required quality checks. It has three main sections: the first part of the book contains an introduction and user notes; the second section presents the actual food composition tables; the third section features photographies and descriptions of foods, to facilitate food identification. This publication will guide both county and national authorities in setting priorities in the implementation of food-based approaches to reduce the burden of malnutrition in the population and support nutrition-sensitive agricultural production.

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