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Farming snails 1: learning about snails, building a pen, food and shelter plants

Better Farming Series, no. 33 (1986)

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    Farming snails 2: choosing snails, care and harvesting, further improvement
    Better Farming Series, no. 34 (1986)
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    Following on Farming Snails 1, this second booklet teaches the farmer how to choose snails, how to take care of the snails by tending the food and shelter plans, keeping the ground moist and keeping it clear of weeds and creeping grass. It also explains how and when to harvest snails and how to prepare them for cooking.
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    Better freshwater fish-farming: further improvement
    Better Farming Series, no. 35 (1986)
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    This booklet continues the lessons taught on how to begin fish farming and aquaculture in Freshwater fish-farming: how to beginno. 27; in Better freshwater fish-farming: the pond no. 29; and in Better freshwater fish-farming: the fish. This booklet teaches the fish farmer how to build more and bigger ponds, how to improve water supply, how to build new and better kinds of inlets and outlets, how to improve fertilization of the fish, how to grow fish all year round, how to harvest fish better and how to manage the fish pond as an integral part of other farming activities.
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    Biogas 2: Building a better biogas unit
    Better Farming Series, no. 32 (1986)
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    Following on the first course in Better Farming Series no. 31,Biogas, this course, Biogas 2, teaches the farmer how to improve the equipment used in biogas production and use. The course delivers information on how to build a smaller unit, cleaning the oil drum, testing for leaks, preparing hte gas holder, the waste materials, the time, the temperature, scum and what to do with the biogas that s produced.

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