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Activities and achievements 2022–2023

FAO. 2023. BlackSea4Fish – Activities and achievements 2022–2023. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome.

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    Book (series)
    The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2022 2022
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    The 2022 edition of the flagship publication of the GFCM, The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, provides an up-to-date overview of fisheries status, trends and governance in the region. Now in its fourth instalment, the publication updates the findings from previous editions while analysing emerging issues in the fisheries sector, including the effects of management plans. For the first time, thanks to the recent consolidation of data quality indicators, trends in the fisheries sector are also analysed at the regional level. Based on data and information from GFCM contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties, The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2022 delivers the most comprehensive picture of fisheries in the region to date. Against the backdrop of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and of renewed strategic commitments, the first two chapters present the characteristics of the Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries sector, with figures on the fleet and capture fisheries production; chapters three and six showcase the human dimension behind fisheries through socioeconomic data and specific insights on small-scale fisheries, given their relative importance; chapters four and five provide an overview of the status of commercial living resources and of vulnerable species; and chapter seven outlines the measures taken and remaining challenges towards building a sustainable future for fisheries at the subregional and regional levels. The objective of The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries is to deliver useful, reliable data to a wide audience as an essential source of information on the fisheries sector in the region and a key tool to support decision-making and monitor progress towards the goals set by the GFCM.
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    Book (series)
    Allocated zones for aquaculture - A guide for the establishment of coastal zones dedicated to aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea 2019
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    This guide is a collection of concepts and practical information aimed at facilitating the establishment of allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It provides detailed information on the process involved in the establishment of an AZA and it is intended as a practical and comprehensive tool to better understand site selection and planning for aquaculture. This publication first provides a brief overview of the international and regional context, and reviews the institutional and legal framework related to AZAs at various levels. Sequential explanations on the AZA establishment process as well as suggestions for the main steps are then presented. The step-by-step approach for the establishment of AZAs takes into account a number of specific aspects, such as geographic information system tools, exclusion criteria and stakeholder participation, the main actors to be involved, the role of relevant authorities in charge of geographical and/or marine aquaculture planning, statutory responsibilities, prevention and resolution of possible conflicts, and decision-making. The guide also describes the objectives and contents of AZA management plans and presents the parameters to be used as reference points for the AZA implementation. It is addressed to decision-makers from relevant bodies and administrations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific research institutions, aquaculture producers and fishing communities, as well as other relevant stakeholders involved in aquaculture activities, coastal development, and in the use of the aquatic environment and resources.
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    Book (series)
    Elasmobranchs of the mediterranean and black sea: status, ecology and biology, biographic analysis 2012
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    The authors have compiled published information on taxonomy, distribution, status, statistics, fisheries, bycatch, biologic and ecologic parameters on age and growth, food and feeding habits, reproductive biology and stock assessment of elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. This bibliographic analysis, through 661 papers dealing with elasmobranchs in the GFCM area, shows that cartilaginous species, including sharks, rays and chimaeras, are by far the most endangered group of marine fish in the Mediterranean Sea, with 31 species (40 percent of all) critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. The biological characteristics of elasmobranchs (low fecundity, late maturity, slow growth) make them more vulnerable to fishing pressure than most teleost fish. Overfishing, wide use of non-selective fishing practices and habitat degradation are leading to dramatic declines of these species in the Mediterranean Sea. In general, elasmobranchs are not targeted but are caught incidentally. In many fisheries they are, however, often landed and marketed. The study also highlights the following points: – Works are concentrated mainly in the western Mediterranean. Few works concern endangered species and those of the GFCM priority list; – Much systematic confusion persists for some species and some others are doubtful; – The IUCN red list shows clearly the vulnerability of elasmobranchs and the lack of data; – A decline in cartilaginous fish speci es landings has been observed while fishing effort has generally increased; – A standardization of methods and expression of results on the biology should be generalized in the whole Mediterranean; – Papers on biologic parameters concern few species primarily in the occidental and central Mediterranean areas. Therefore, recommendations to fill gaps in order to protect and manage elasmobranchs stocks are proposed in this document. In fact, better understanding of the composition of incidental and targeted catches of sharks by commercial fisheries and biological and ecological parameters are fundamentally important for the conservation of these populations. Moreover, problems encountered by elasmobranchs in the GFCM area are highlighted and conservation measures are suggested.

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