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Annual Report 2018. Latin America and the Caribbean

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    FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019 2020
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    This year, the Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture has wanted to make a profit and share the joint work that has unfolded every day with the 33 member countries of the region for advance the mandate that I received from the 35th Regional Conference. In this FAO report it illustrates the advances in the fulfillment of the mandate that the Member Countries gave us. The results included in this document are important examples, however partial, of our own.
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    Family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
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    This paper presents an analysis of the characteristics of family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean, and discusses what might be its role in overcoming some of the major challenges to the development of this region. Hence, the main objective of the study is to analyze the evolving process that places the concept of family farming at the political and institutional agenda in Latin America and Caribbean as well as to depict it's diversity in the region. Furthermore, it examines the contrib ution of family farming to agricultural and rural development, food and nutrition security. The paper also presents some key recommendations and discusses the enabling policy environment that should be built and deployed to overcome the challenges family farmers face, highlighting the policies and best practices involving family farming that are being implemented in the region.
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    FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022 2023
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    In 2022, Latin American and Caribbean countries proved that even during one of the most demanding periods in recent history, it is possible to drive better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind. The results included in this document are important but partial examples of our work. Despite this complex situation, the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) proved to be up to the task, responding optimally and delivering extraordinary results based on the new FAO strategic framework and the priorities established in early 2022 by the 33 Member States during the 36th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Quito, Ecuador. This report presents a detailed list of the projects and initiatives carried out in 2022, as well as the documents published during this period based on the four “betters” promoted by FAO, which account for the progress made in our region to achieve better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.

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