Land reform: land settlement and cooperatives 2007/2
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Book (series)Land Reform: land settlement and cooperatives 2007/1 2007
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No results found.This issue of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives contains an interesting and wide-ranging set of contributions providing insights into land related issues ranging from Italy to the Central Andes, and from the historical development of sustainable tenure practices to aspects of agriculture sector planning. The eight articles featured open with that of Lavigne Delville, which addresses issues relating to insecurity of tenure in West Africa, and identifies what the paths of cha nge currently appear to be. The second article, by Pica-Ciamarra, Otte and Chilonda, assesses the important issue of how livestock policies relate to land and rural conflicts in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. In their article, Teyssier, Raharison and Ravelomanantsoa look at local competence in land reform in Madagascar. Ravera examines the organization of participation for territorial development, focusing on the example of the central Andes in Peru. Abdoul Karim, Bretel and Chab bert analyse the processes of development and implementation of the Code Rural in the Niger. Herrera Garibay reviews and analyses FAO’s experience in decentralization and land reform. Finally, Cacciarru provides an interesting historical perspective on resource access and land tenure, looking at its relevance today in the context of Sardinia, Italy. -
Book (series)Land Reform: Land settlement and cooperatives 2005/2 2005Twenty-seven years after the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) held in Rome in 1979, the key question of land is once again an essential item on the international development agenda. This issue of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives offers the reader a series of articles and information related to the discussions that will take place in March 2006 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, at the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (7–10 March).
Book (series)Land Reform : Land settlement and cooperatives 2003/2 2003
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No results found.In this issue, we present a historical overview from the perspective of our Rural Development Division and colleagues of the Land Tenure Service. We begin with a contribution from Professor Riad El-Ghonemy, the former Chief of the Land Tenure Service and one of the originators of this bulletin back in the 1960s. He expounds his views on the challenges of land reform and on how these have changed over the past forty years. There then follow three articles, submitted in May 2003 to the 29th sessio n of the Committee on World Food Security, on the impact of access to land on improving food security and alleviating poverty. In the first, Professor Michael Carter of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the United States, deals with the design of land reform and land rights as instruments for alleviating poverty and enhancing food security. In the second article, Professor José-Eli da Veiga of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, recounts his country’s recent experience in land reform, while, in the third, Mr Edgar A. Guardian, Head of the Agrarian Reform Project in the Philippines, relates the experience of this project through which FAO’s Rural Development Division has supported land reform in the Philippines since 1990.
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