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Using local durum wheat and barley diversity to support the adaptation of small-scale farmer systems to the changing climate in Ethiopia

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    On-farm conservation and mining of local durum wheat and barley landraces of Tunisia for biotic and abiotic stresses, enhanced food security and adaptation to climate change 2011
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    For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . This project is expected to enhance on-farm conservation and use of durum wheat and barley, and to initiate targeted hybridization to incorporate stress resistance into the farmers’ preferred local landraces to increase yields and build resilience in face of climatic shocks.
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    Using rice genetic diversity to support farmers’ adaptation to climate change for sustainable production and improved livelihoods in India 2011
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    For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . THE INDO-GANGETIC PLAINS OF INDIA are expected to be severely affected by drastic weather conditions, such as drought and heat as confirmed by the study that Gene Campaign has conducted in the frame of this project. In order to successfully meet food requirements in an era of climate change, conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic diversity of crop plants have become crucial. This BSF project focuses on addressing these needs within the Indo-Gangetic plains of India
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Voluntary guidelines to support the integration of genetic diversity into national climate change adaptation planning 2015
    The guidelines take account of the characteristics of different genetic resources for food and agriculture which face different challenges and opportunities in respect to climate change. The objectives of the guidelines are to promote the use of genetic resources for food and agriculture in climate change adaptation and support their integration into national climate change adaptation planning; to support the genetic resources experts and those involved in climate change adaptation to identify a nd address the challenges and opportunities of genetic resources for food and agriculture in adaptation; and to promote the involvement of genetic resources stakeholders in the national climate change adaptation planning process. The guidelines follow the structure and approach of the technical guidelines for the National Adaptation Plan process prepared by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The process involves four main elem ents in each of which a number of steps are proposed.

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