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Digital agriculture report: Rural e-commerce development experience from China

FAO and ZJU. 2021. Digital agriculture report: Rural e-commerce development experience from ChinaRome

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    Technical Cooperation Project to Support Local Suppliers Capacity Development and Promotion of E-Commerce for Agricultural Value Chains in Rwanda - TCP/RWA/3706 2022
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    Increasing agricultural productivity is one the main drivers of poverty reduction in Rwanda Agricultural transformation, especially through competitive value chain development, is expected to boost productivity in both formal and informal sectors With this transformation, there is great potential to increase commercialization of agriculture production, increase self employment in small on and off farm businesses, and achieve significant poverty reduction through targeted support to value chain development The Government of Rwanda, through the fourth Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA 4 promotes the ‘Made in Rwanda’ campaign, in support of export markets In line with the Domestic Market Recapturing Strategy ( the Government is working to unleash the potential of sectors, in particular Agro processing, to help transform agriculture through competitive value chain development The Rwanda Development Board ( responsible for private sector investment, coordinates efforts in investment promotion The RDB is also responsible for overall private sector investments in market linkages and supports public private dialogue mechanisms and value chain platforms in collaboration with private sector federations to address key challenges in private sector development.
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    Development of an e-commerce platform (D2C) for small and medium-sized farmers and returned migrants agri-entrepreneurs
    Feasibility study. Roadmap recommendations
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    Evolution of food e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic 2023
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    This investment brief, prepared by FAO and commissioned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) hones in on the rapid of surge of food e-commerce and in particular, how the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled this growth. It analyses the overall evolution of e-commerce globally and with a specific focus on EBRD area of intervention based on eight city case studies (Belgrade, Casablanca, Istanbul, London, Paris, Rome, Tashkent and Tbilisi). It makes particular reference to the market for fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV), differentiating between the modern and traditional retail sectors in mature and transitional food economies. The brief provides policy recommendations and identifies strategies and key areas of investment that are required for the sustainable development of FFV e-commerce. Governments, particularly urban authorities, must develop and promote a conducive institutional, regulatory and business environment to maximize e-commerce opportunities, while reducing its negative impacts on the urban traditional retail sector and minimizing effects such as traffic congestion and the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). The brief also calls on retailers to upgrade their business models for e-commerce, reorganize supply chains and establish efficient and environmentally sustainable systems for the delivery of FFV products. This brief urges concentrated and coordinated efforts by the public and private sectors alike, to support the sustainable and efficient development of food e-commerce to improve the resiliency of urban food distribution systems.

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