FAO. 2022. Proceedings of the First International Multi-stakeholder Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Technical consultation on in situ conservation and on-farm management of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture – 29–30 March 2021, Rome, Italy. Rome.
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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFirst International Multi-stakeholder Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
information note - Technical Consultation on in situ conservation and on-farm management of PGRFA
2021Also available in:
No results found.The challenge of sustainably producing more food with fewer inputs may be met only if the broadest possible diversity of plant genetic resources for food and agricultural (PGRFA) can be efficiently conserved and easily accessed for sources of new traits. Currently, various drivers of genetic erosion, including changes in agricultural practices, the introduction of modern crop varieties, changes in land use, destruction or fragmentation of habitats, climate change and other factors, are increasingly threatening the continued existence, and hence availability, of these resources. A significant amount of crop diversity can only be effectively preserved in protected areas and farmers’ fields where evolution and adaptation continue to occur. This variation, derived from interactions between genotypes and the environment, provides a crucial source of environmental resilience as well as an important source of nutrients. Crop wild relatives (CWR) represent a rich and largely unexplored reservoir of novel traits and genes that can be used to develop crop varieties, incorporating pest and disease resistance and adapted to climate change. Wild food plants can be direct and important sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, complementing those of staple crops. PGRFA found on-farm, including farmers’ varieties/landraces, often the mainstay of family’s livelihoods, and are adapted to specific ecological conditions and/or farming practices. Failure to ensure adequate conservation and management of this critically important diversity may result in its permanent loss. -
DocumentReport of the First International Multi-Stakeholder Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 2022
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